Recent postings to the aus-soaring list indicate that three of the State
Associations have been unable to hold AGMs due to the lack or a quorum.
This makes one wonder about the future viability of the existing GFA
national structure.

It seems to me that consideration should be given to removing the State
Associations from the organisational structure of the GFA and replacing them
with a system based entirely on functional control by the National body
through a network of regional specialists in the various disciplines - ops,
tech, sport etc responsible to and directly funded by GFA (National).

In addition to the regional "specialists", there could also be one of more
GFA Councillors elected by the Clubs in each state, with the election
process being directed from GFA.  The councillors would be able to convene
meetings (actual or virtual) as necessary to get input from Clubs on non
technical matters for input to GFA and then represent those matters to the
GFA parent body, in much the same manner as occurs now.

Under this concept, all finances would be controlled by GFA, with budget
allocations and disbursements being made on a functional basis in response
to budget proposals submitted by the regional technical officers.

Consideration would need to be given to such matters as state/regional
competitions and the various state awards, but I don't think that anything
would be insurmountable.

Nothing in the above would prevent some (or all) of the clubs in a state or
region forming an "association" to progress local initiatives and these
could seek GFA funding for worthwhile initiatives.

Such an arrangement would overcome the problem of an organisational void
when a presently mandated State Association becomes defunct, while retaining
the ability for states/regions that so desire to form local associations to
progress local issues and conduct local events.

Clearly such a model would have to be tested against the range of functions
that need to be performed in the future at national and regional levels. In
so doing it is the future posture that must be taken into account and not
past practices.


Brian Wade
Personal Computer Concepts
Uniform Time

Ph: 07 3371 2944  Fax: 07 3870 4103

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