What Robert has written is what I like about old fashioned gliding clubs.
When it works, it is great but it sure can be misused by those "takers" of
this world who turn up, use the Club and put nothing back. and want a
MacDonalds Gliding Club.

One wishes one could get new members to sign a contract to the effect that
they will not be "takers"!

not yet an OFITTH
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, July 02, 2002 8:38 AM
Subject: Pay it forward (was Re: [aus-soaring] Rec License)

> On 24 Jun, Dav wrote:
> > These so called people who accept responsibility should remember the
> > responsibility to an organisation that probably provided the
> > for them to learn to fly in the first place. After all when YOU learnt
> > fly it was because of past instructors  efforts  and sacrifice exactly
> > which you whinge about now. We all owe our predecessors the honour of
> > continuing their good work, even if that means giving up the odd
> > to fly to REPAY A DEBT to those who came before.
> I think that a better way of thinking about this is to 'pay it forward',
> not back. There is no way I can repay the countless people involved in
> teaching me to fly and I'm pretty sure most of them would not want me
> to.
> Instead, it is most certainly possible for me to 'pay my debt' to sport
> aviation in general and gliding in particular by helping those who are
> currently starting out. This does not mean I have to be an instructor,
> but rather that I 'put in' appropriately around the club, participate in
> pie cart discussions and clearly show my delight and joy in this sensual
> sport of soaring.
> One of the problems with the solo operation system proposed by Mike
> Borgelt and others is that it makes it very hard to pay one's debt
> forward. For me, this payment forward is part of the unspoken social
> contract in sport aviation.
> --
> Strategic IT & open source consulting                +61 (0)438 385 533
> Brisbane, Australia     http://www.interweft.com.au
> --
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