> A former steward is suing Qantas for up to $850,000 because of a
> flight he says will haunt him for ever. Patrick Shiels told the
> District Court in Sydney yesterday he was gazing out of a porthole of
> a flight from Bali to Perth.  "It was dark and I saw a sudden
> explosion, sparks, shooting flames, and I just froze," he said. 

Well, anyone could be frightened by the possible outcomes...

However a steward or stewardess is on board *primarily* to manage and
assist passengers in case of an emergency. Handing out meals might be
what the passengers expect, but it's not the hosties' main function. So
this guy would have had lots of emergency training - surely enough to
know that "it could happen".

> Six years later, Mr Shiels is suing Qantas, saying the panic left him
> with severe post-traumatic stress.

Let's give him an actual emergency and see if he can tell the

(Since we're off topic, anyone else read "Bravo Two Zero"? Story of an
SAS patrol captured by the Iraqis in the Gulf War. Talk about suffering.
Most of us lead a very soft life.)

Pete Siddall ~ Renmark Gliding Club

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