At 08:46 PM 8/10/02 +1000, you wrote:
>Thanks very much Mike.
>How do I use the square root of the wing loading to generate the 
>loaded figures?


Take loaded weight(or wing loading) divide by weight(or wing loading) for
this polar(10.5 x 33.2 wasn't it?)Take square root of this result, multiply
all points and sink rates by this number, plot new loaded polar.
This is how it is done generally but there may be some favourable Reynolds
number effects due to flying faster for a given angle of attack at higher
weights. Then there is the theory that the polar may be a little worse than
this due to the water ballast distorting the contour of the lower wing
skin. Both are small and may be neglected for this exercise.

Then buy/borrow/steal a copy of Reichmann's "Cross country Soaring". A
little dated in some areas now but still covers the basics of the theory.
Trolling around I see they reckon they can get you copy.


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