Leigh Bunting wrote:
It's not just you, it's everyone. It's called Sobrig.F, and
>>it's the biggest Outlook virus on the Internet

Please don't include me in this. There are some of us that are inherently immune to this rubbish.

Well, no, I can't. Because most email viruses these days affect people who aren't infected by them, by inflicting reputational damage when they forge sender addresses.

I use a combination of Mutt (UNIX) and Mozilla Mail (everywhere else),
so I'm just as immune to Outlook viruses as you are... But I've still
received over 100 messages from boneheaded antivirus firewall filters
in the last 24 hours telling me that I'm infected by Sobrig.F (because
some buttwipe who has been infected has been sending messages forged
in my name!).

At the risk of labouring the point, I can only re-iterate that Windoze users
don't _have_ to use Outlook. There _are_ other choices. The individual just
has to act.

Here's a good place to start:


Even has a built-in Baysian spam filter. How could you go wrong?

- mark

I tried an internal modem,                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
     but it hurt when I walked.                          Mark Newton
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