I found this out to my cost just last month. Sent my chute in to have a static line fitted - straps were UV affected and so declared U/S by them, and container only had 2 yrs life to go. It was cheaper to buy new container and harness - at $1250. Canopy was OK  - I gathered that canopy does not have the same service life restriction.
Looks good now.
Dave Shorter
email [EMAIL PROTECTED]  (note no ".au" in address)
11 Lighthouse Crescent,
Emerald Beach,
NSW 2456,   Australia
Phone (02) 6656 1979
Fax  (02) 6656 2983
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, November 06, 2003 1:47 AM
Subject: [Aus-soaring] Parachutes

I found out today that Parachutes Australia have issued a Service Bulletin (No.PA SB9502 Rev 2) which lifes their containers,harness and canopies for the types listed, at  20yrs. The list includes most types which we normally use in gliders, including the slimpacks and thinbacks. If the equipment has exceeded that time, it is to be taken out of service.
We have 8 which are suddenly of no use, and I suspect many other clubs are in a similar situation.
I don't recall seeing any advice on this matter and note that the bulletin distribution did not include GFA, although I was told "someone at GFA office"was informed.
As there is a requirement to have a serviceable parachute for comps, this may affect some entrants to this years events.
Forwarded for your information.
Glenn Mclean

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