As many will know gliding in Australia is celebrating 75 years this year as is the Geelong Gliding Club. As part of these celebrations the Geelong club had a static display on the Belmont Common last Sunday with the Museum primary and the club DG300. We also had a fly over of an Auster towing the Golden Eagle, a Super Cub with a short wing Kooka and a Pawnee with the V.M.F.G. Duo-Discuss. The event was promoted in the local Geelong paper on the previous Saturday with about a half page including photo's and a follow up and report of the event in Mondays Geelong Advertiser.

As a result of this, the A.B.C. Radio has done an interview with Alan Patching (pilot / owner of the Eagle) to be broadcast on Friday morning. The program is called The Sports Factor on ABC 621 Friday Jul. 23 at 08.30. I believe that this program is broadcast nationally so tune in if you can.

As his proad son Ian has pointd out Alan at 80 yrs. young is still active and flying tugs with his club.

Kevin McGowan
Hon. Sec.
Geelong Gliding Club

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