The problem with all the classical and compositional works is that it's plain boring to the younger generation. Even I just about fall asleep when I see a gliding video with very gentle sounds. I always thought that this was the case with every movie. But when Cathy Conway bought out her laptop at the GFA coaches meeting last year in Sydney, I was absolutely blown away when I saw how the UK Juniors made a really JAZZED up gliding video! Got me all excited and keen to do more!

We need to JAZZ it up, make it look attractive and FUN to the younger generation! Otherwise it'll just keep on going as it is...

I've organised one of my family friends who has just finished a design and multi-media degree to make the Juniors a gliding video! All we need now is lots of footage from all different angles. So I've set the juniors onto this task and hopefully we'll have a new u-bute gliding video at the end of the year!

Have a good weekend soaring

P.s. I'm going to the local High-School this wednesday to show them the UK Smokinhighspeed video on Parade (big screen), hopefully we'll be able to attract a small bus load out there one weekend!

From: Robert Hart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED], "Discussion of issues relating to Soaring in Australia."<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Discussion of issues relating to Soaring in Australia."<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Aus-soaring] Gliding Movies
Date: Sat, 31 Jul 2004 08:50:28 +1000


Why risk infringing someone's copyright by 'sampling' or whatever when
there is a huge volume of work out there in the public domain...spanning
over 1000 years of compositional works.

Ever wonder why so many TV ads use 'classical' music - because it's low
cost to use (you do have to pay for someone to perform it or to use an
existing recording).

Also, music that has stood the test of time will not 'date' in the way
pop music does. This has significant implications in terms of being able
to reuse whatever movie results for the next 10-20 years. After all,
most of our glider fleet won't change much in that period and so much
re-use would be possible if the soundtrack is carefully chosen.

Robert Hart                                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
+61 (0)438 385 533
Brisbane, Australia              

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