Richard, Hi! As per my earlier posting to Aus-soaring, I have three gliding
videos available for anyone who is interested in viewing them (I will want
them back!) Cheers, Ron Baker
----- Original Message -----
From: "McLean Richard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Discussion of issues relating to Soaring in Australia."
Sent: Tuesday, August 03, 2004 9:38 PM
Subject: Re: [Aus-soaring] GFA Marketing Committee

> fair comment - lets collect some footage for a start &
> then debate what to do with it though. As you point
> out, it will take a lot of raw materiel (& time) to
> get a usable product, so the sooner we start  thinking
> about it, the better.
> did you have microphones listening to my comments
> about your wave video, BTW?  =D
>  --- Mark Newton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > On 03/08/2004, at 1:44 AM, McLean Richard wrote:
> >
> > > If the need to use or employ professionals is so
> > > 'beyond question' then why is there so much good
> > > amateur stuff on the web?
> >
> > Well -- There isn't.  Not for the purpose we've been
> > talking
> > about.
> >
> > There is plenty of stuff out there which makes
> > people who already
> > fly think, "Wow, that's pretty good!" but this
> > thread of conversation
> > has been about capturing the hearts and minds of
> > people who don't
> > fly.
> >
> > ... and, as a pilot, you lack the perspective
> > necessary to judge
> > whether stuff on the web is high quality or not *for
> > that purpose*.
> >
> >
> > > This is the age of 'reality
> > > media' where the feeling of 'being right there' is
> > > what sells - gritty, unpolished (to some extent
> > > anyway) shots that show *reality* not staged,
> > studio
> > > polish .. and with the quality of the digicams
> > > available (which I've seen firsthand in the last
> > few
> > > weeks at my own club) I'm perplexed by all the
> > fuss
> > > about how hard everything is.
> >
> > Getting raw footage isn't hard:  it's just a matter
> > of being
> > at the right place at the right time with the
> > suitable equipment.
> > You can "stage" shorts pretty easily if you know
> > what you want
> > ahead of time (i.e., if you use a storyboard)
> >
> > The editing job, however, is bloody difficult.  The
> > ridge and
> > wave videos I put on the web last month were the
> > culmination
> > of about 12 hours of editing to trim nearly 2 hours
> > of raw
> > footage down to 15 minutes of interesting stuff.
> > (And even then
> > it's only interesting to glider pilots who already
> > know what
> > wave flying and ridge flying is all about).  Show it
> > to the
> > general public (or even, for that matter, a GA
> > pilot!) and all
> > you get is a blank stare.
> >
> > If you see some aerobatic footage or some close
> > formation flying
> > or some cockpit footage in wave, you enjoy it
> > because you know what
> > it involves, you respect the skill of the pilots
> > involved, you may
> > have even tried it before and worked out how
> > enjoyable it is.  You
> > "connect" with the footage and have an emotional
> > reaction to it
> > because your experience provides you with linkage to
> > whatever is
> > portrayed in the video.
> >
> > When I show the video around my club, the emotional
> > reaction I get
> > from a lot of people is, "You bastard, I wish I was
> > there, how come
> > you flew in wave and I didn't?!"  So I try to show
> > it around the
> > club as often as I can <grin>
> >
> > Give the same video to someone who has never flown
> > before and they'll
> > have a different emotional reaction:  "Geez, I bet
> > if I tried that
> > I'd throw up.  I wonder if it's as dangerous as it
> > looks?"  Then ask
> > them whether a view of the instrument panel is
> > interesting an exciting
> > just because the altimeter is reading something in
> > the flight-levels
> > and they'll start to wonder if you're on drugs or
> > something.
> >
> > That's why storyboarding, and review by someone who
> > isn't a pilot,
> > is important.  We've all forgotten what it's like to
> > see something
> > like that through the eyes of a non-pilot, and we're
> > not equipped
> > to judge the effectiveness of the video at provoking
> > the emotional
> > reaction we want to provoke.  We can't just throw
> > together some
> > raw footage and hope for the best.
> >
> >      - mark
> >
> >
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> > I tried an internal modem,
> >       but it hurt when I walked.
> >      Mark Newton
> > ----- Voice: +61-4-1620-2223 ------------- Fax:
> > +61-8-82231777 -----
> >
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