From: Mike Borgelt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

The system misses out on teaching you something and it is _your_ fault.

That's your usual rubbish, Mike.

Since the age of 6 most of us understand that most of what we'll need to know we teach ourselves. I know of few people who successfully leave high school without understanding that teachers are there to aid understanding but nobody can teach you everything. It's your responsibility to cover the syllabus.

Mature adults are generally taught by teaching the principles involved and expecting the pupil to teach himself the details. One of the signs of maturity that many people look for in those they think may be worth giving responsibility to are those who find out for themselves what they need to know and don't sit whining that nobody taught them.

In gliding, as in most of aviation, the instructor's job in regard to regulations and operating limits is to ensure the student knows where to find the answers and to explain anything the student doesn't understand AFTER HE HAS TRIED TO LEARN IT HIMSELF.

If there's something a 30 year glider pilot doesn't know that's in the MOSP - it's his own fault. "The system" (as you love to describe it) is designated by CASA to ensure that 30 year glider pilots who DON'T know fundamental things are grounded. It's not there to teach them what they should have known for probably 29 of those 30 years.

It is greatly to the GFA club system's credit that that's not the way it works and pilots are helped to stay flying rather than being summarily chopped like the Air Force would do. In fact, a PPL doing his BFR who admitted to similar ignorance would certainly be failed and told not to try again until he'd done some work.

And if your dream comes true, Mike, and CASA takes over responsibility for gliding from the GFA, do you think they will be fundamentally a TRAINING or a GROUNDING organisation?

As I've said before - amateur weekend brain surgeons.

Yes, Mike. And that comment is similarly ill-considered, inaccurate and plain dopey.

Best of luck with the 400 and 500.  :)

Graeme Cant

Borgelt Instruments - manufacturers of quality soaring instruments
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