Robert Hart wrote:

I am working on two additional articles, but a major problem I have is the provision of high quality air to air photos. I really want some gaggle shots from a comp, but whilst I have a camera that can shoot them, I can't do that whilst flying Alice (my eyes and brain need to be fully engaged in the flying and look out). I tried at the recent Qld state comp to get one of the two seaters to take some shots, but for various reasons they weren't able to do so.

I will be trying again at the NSW comps starting in 10 day's time - so if there's someone here flying in a two seater that can help with this I would be most grateful!

Well now - how's this for synchronicity: about 3 hours after I wrote this, I received and email from the editor the Australian Flying telling me she was quite happy with my latest version and the photos I had sent. So that article will appear in the Jan/Feb edition.

Robert Hart                                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
+61 (0)438 385 533              

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