Nose doors,tail ramps,wheels in fuselages, general shape etc.
The Laister Kauffman CG 10 amongst others seems to have settled the general layout of heavy lift aircraft to this day. My own interpretation, but a site on the CG 10 claims this also.

No gliding here near Adelaide today. Blowing hard.
Mike B might give us some trivia about the genesis varios.
Hav'nt seen much in what I have read.

Chris McDonnell

----- Original Message ----- From: "Graeme Cant" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, December 14, 2005 9:43 PM
Subject: RE: [Aus-soaring] Gliding Trivia

>From: "Christopher Mc Donnell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

1. The first two men to set foot on French soil on D Day (though they landed on their heads through a barbed wire fence (as ordered)) were glider pilots.
2. The first man on the moon, Neil Armstrong was a glider pilot.
3. The first gliding record (post 1903) was set by the Wright Brothers (duration). 4. Most heavy cargo aircraft today are developments of cargo glider concepts.

I'll go along with 2 and 3 - and add that I understand Orville personally signed "C" certificates well into the 30s as the US FAI rep.

I thought 1 were the frogmen who landed in the night and cut barbed wire. What time did the gliders land?

I'm puzzled by 4. Which ones did you have in mind Chris? Swing noses? Folding ramps?

Graeme Cant

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