At 18:54 22/12/2005, Peter S  wrote:
With the advent of FLARM and with it's datarecorder capability, all flights
will be recorded in the future. I am sure there is software that ... will tell the supervising (L2)
instructor that the pilot has dropped below say 800' above ground level and
has not landed.  This would be flagged and the pilot asked to please

This sounds like a big brother suggestion but may save lives and prevent

Unlikely IMHO. Might however lead to fewer volunteers to take on an instructing role if this level of 'responsibility' was placed on them to 'supervise' XC and local soaring flights to this extent. Also assumes a degree of compulsion to fit FLARM for a purpose other than the one for which it was designed, and lead to a resistance to use it properly if fitted (e.g. like some pilots treat radio).

Further, the message from the Safety Seminars was not "land when you get down to 800 ft AGL" (however this may be determined - I can see now the arguments "but I was at 850 feet so I didn't have to" or "the fl*** thingy isn't reliable to that extent".

The REAL message is that by somewhere around 700 - 800 feet the pilot's mind should be well into planning and executing a circuit to a planned landing paddock in case the lift doesn't eventuate. After all, at your home site this is an IN CIRCUIT height and so should be flown so as to remain in an IN CIRCUIT position, with suitable speed and ideas.

Height, speed, and ideas - never fly without at least two of them!


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