When organising a flying day by the Leeton Club at Griffith aerodrome in 2004 the council initially wanted to charge $7.50 per landing for both tug and glider (total $15). Negotiation reduced this to $7.50 per landing tug and first $200 per day free for glider then $7.50 per landing. No mention of exemptions

Kevin Roden

Catherine Conway wrote:

I thought gliders (and motorgliders) were exempt anyway?  Simon paid a bill
for the Falke, then got a refund.


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Kittel,
Stephen W (ETSA)
Sent: Thursday, 2 February 2006 11:40 AM
To: Discussion of issues relating to Soaring in Australia.
Subject: RE: [Aus-soaring] Gliding at "major" airports

I assume it is landing fees for the same registration as your aircraft.
It isn't frequent but is common enough. The airports collect their
landing fees through the company Avdata who record all the circuit radio
calls and bill based on that. It can be people using false call signs to
avoid charges or simple mistranscriptions by Avdata.

It has happened that SA aircraft have been billed from eastern states
airports for landing fees in the past.
I know it has happened to gliders from both Port Augusta GC and Adelaide
Uni. GC. I don't recall exactly what AUGC did (something pointed about cross
country in their Arrow) but I sent a letter for the PAGC one saying they
weren't right and never heard any more about it. Actually what I think I wrote was that it was a South Australian based
glider and we were pretty sure it wasn't where it was claimed to be but
if the airport owner really wanted us to check we could "search our
records" and a search fee would be charged to them.
It was a good few years ago now and I can't remember exactly what I
wrote or what airport it even was (maybe Qld). More plausible for a
club/business than an individual though.

I suspect that if you send a letter along the lines of:
"Nope, wasn't me, I was somewhere else that day, someone else used my
rego, call me if you want any more info" you won't hear any more about


-----Original Message-----
From: Dave and Cath

Speaking of user fees, I have had two bills in 2004 from Camden airport, although I have never flown there. Their response is unsatisfying - they want me to prove that I was never there.
Has this happened to anyone else?

Dave Long

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