John and others                                 

It is interesting to learn of your experience. I must say I am a little
suprised that your rope winch is designed to be able to handle knots.
My understanding was that the spreader  mechanism is normally vulnerable
to knots passing through it ? I have seen a video of the SGCC winch and
it is very impressive. Some of the features I liked about it included:
-used rope
-operated side on
- mobile if the vehicle is licenced

For smaller rope (ie 4 - 6 mm polyprop) towing hang gliders we used to
wrap black insulation tape around the reef knots. If more tape was
wrapped around each join every 3 or 4 days of flying then the knots
would outlast the rest of the rope. If no tape was used, a wear point on
each knot would quickly develop and the rope would soon break at the knot.

The secret to the tape was that it did not fit completely flush on the
knot and you would get a couple of mm wear protection when in fact your
tape was much much thinner than 1 mm.

I wonder if the tape concept would work with 8 or 10 mm rope getting
dragged at higher pressures and speeds ? Have you or anyone else tried



On Thu, 9 Mar 2006 19:07:50 +1100 (AUS Eastern Daylight Time)
"John O'Neill" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> Michael,
> At SGGC we often tie a reef knot with the ends tied to keep things moving
> when we are busy.
> The knots on our 10mm polyprop rope are usually good for about 20 or 30
> launches compared to to 100plus splices.
> We normally cut out the splices before the start of the next days operations
> John
> -------Original Message-------
> From: Michael Derry
> Date: 03/09/06 18:42:10
> To: Discussion of issues relating to Soaring in Australia.
> Subject: Re[2]: [Aus-soaring] Re: [pulleylaunch] Knots?
> If
> -it takes 30 seconds to tie a knot
> -10 minutes to do a splice
> -you need to carry a splicing tool
> -you need someone who is trained and wants to do it
> Why would you bother to splice...unless you used a winch and were
> therefore forced to do it !
> Keep It Simple Stupid !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> On Thu, 9 Mar 2006 16:38:44 +1300
> "Brett Kettle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Why not splice it?
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Michael
> > Derry
> > Sent: Friday, 10 March 2006 5:38 AM
> > Cc: aus-soaring; Winchdesign Yahoogroups
> > Subject: [Aus-soaring] Re: [pulleylaunch] Knots?
> >
> > To:
> > cc others
> > Neil
> >
> > I should have expanded a little more about knots.
> >
> >
> > The knots which we used that worked were reef knots.
> >
> > If you look at a reef knot, the knot sticks out one side and the two
> > lengths of rope line up under pressure. So when you watch a rope with a
> > reef knot in it go around a pulley at speed and under load the line of
> > the rope goes right against the pulley and the reef knot sticks out to
> > the side.
> >
> > After watching knots go around pulleys many times under load I was
> > amazed to see that the line of the rope always went against the pulley
> > and the knot was on the opposite side.
> >
> > Reef knots slip easily so we tied a knot at the end of each peice of
> > rope to stop it slipping. This worked a treat.
> >
> > A knot savy pilot saw a reef knot we had tied before a launch and
> > replaced it with some other superior knot in terms of strength.
> > Unfortunately when the knot went through the pulley it snapped. The
> > reason it snapped was that the two lengths of rope did not line up when
> > under pressure and the knot did not stick out to the side. The knot was
> > on the inside of one of the pieces of rope and acted as a fulcrum
> > placing much stress on the rope at the edge of the knot.
> >
> > Has anyone eany other thoughts about is a big subject ?
> >
> > Regards
> >
> > Michael Derry
> >
> > "Neil Wolthers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> > > Is there any particular reason you guys are using knots in the rope?
> > _______________________________________________

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