Hi Mike,

I will let the FLARM guys answer the circling bit but as for straight and
level the indicated direction is as accurate as it can be on the ozflarms
given the compass rose is in 45 degree increments. Generally they are in the
given indication, sometimes 2 leds will light showing a transition. There is
a 2 second hysteresis on positions so a slight delay can be seen between the
old LED and the new ( both will light ). The thermalling prediction is quite
complex and given that it has to calculate AND report it does well. The
FLARM team need to be commended for their work - no one else that I know off
have done this before for thermalling gliders, stand to be corrected if this
is not true.

Remember to that the Swiss flarm has a different display to ours.

At Lake Keepit we did have a position error issue in straight flying. Thanks
to Hank , Matt gage and a few others we were able to find a bug in the Oz
software, not flarm - it was just the way we interpreted the position data
from FLARM and was corrected for Gawler - maybe this is what someone was
referring to?




Nigel Andrews

Managing Director

RF Developments Pty Ltd

"A Queensland Company devoted to Research and Development in aviation


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-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Mike
Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2006 6:08 PM
To: Discussion of issues relating to Soaring in Australia.
Subject: Re: [Aus-soaring] Queensland Easter Competition and FLARM

At 02:28 PM 28/03/06, you wrote:
>Graeme & Joy Rickert wrote:
>>Wide range of mostly interesting comments on this subject, plus of
>>course the usual few offensive statements.
>>> From someone who has not used FLARM but has been a tuggie at comps, 
>>> I can
>>see virtue in total FLARM fitment.  There have been occasions when,
>>despite my best efforts at lookout, the limitations of view from 
>>the Pawnee have placed me a little closer than I had expected to 
>>other aircraft.  I have only had two "near misses" requiring 
>>serious avoidance action but that is more than enough.  FLARM may 
>>have given me a better and earlier indication of those potential
>>On the other hand, a possible weakness with FLARM is that the pilot
>>may be seduced into looking in the direction indicated by the 
>>system to identify the particular aircraft and may temporarily 
>>reduce overall scanning for other aircraft either without FLARM or 
>>with a fitted system that had failed.
>FLARM needs to be integrated into your lookout scan. The way I do
>this is as follows:-
>   1. FLARM is mounted on the top RHS of my instrument panel, with a
>      sunshade over it to keep it from overheating in the hot Aussie sun
>      and to provide a shade for the LEDs to increase their contrast in
>      bright sunshine.
>   2. When I do my straight ahead (cruise and instruments) part of the
>      scan, FLARM infor is taken in. During the rest of the scan, I look
>      for the traffic that FLARM has alerted me to.
>   3. If the FLARM alarm sounds, I look where it tells me to look - at
>      that point I am a max of 18 seconds from a potential collision and
>      that direction DESERVES my immediate attention! Once that is
>      sorted out, it's back to whatever scan I should be doing.


I hope you meant that you also look for the non FLARM targets ie. 
Cessnas, hang gliders, ultralights, eagles. The last will probably 
never buy FLARM units.

Maybe you should be looking around first then checking what you saw 
against the FLARM display? I think this is what Graeme Rickert was 
talking about. You will tend to find what you know about and miss the 
rest. Voice readouts don't help this at all.

I have talked with one competition pilot who claims he never looks at 
the FLARM situation display but waits for the alarm to sound. He has 
lots more faith in electronics and software than I do.

Also on the FLARM forum:


Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2005 4:47 pm    Post subject: Flarm shows wrong 
direction when circling in thermal 
Reply with quote

When circling in a thermal with other gliders an alarm shows the 
position of the anticipated collision, not the current direction of 
the threat. Example: the next glider is behind me (low) to my left 
but the alarm shows (low) right. I then start looking for a threat 
behind at right and reduce observation to the left...

Is this true? If so, does this also happen in cruising flight? Users 
really need to know how the logic of this works.


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