Here's another angle:

Are you really trusting someone else to check you put it together OK when
it's your butt in the plane? Rather you than me!

Someone was extolling the complexity of their particular rig earlier - all
the more reason to be very careful about putting it together and double
checking. Take the rigging inspection seriously : it's one of the areas of
our lives where making mistakes can cost lives; treat it as such. Don't sit
there in the fluffy (and false) comfort that if you stuff it up, the other
guy will catch your mistake.. he/she might not, and *you* pay the price.

Where I flew abroad, we didn't even have a DI book in the glider to sign -
let alone a legal requirement for second signoff. CofA (form 2) expiry was
noted on a cockpit sticker - no sticker, no fly. No DI rating, it was taught
along with the very basic flying - and you were shadowed until the
instructors deemed you sensible/responsible. Perhaps not such a
good approach, but from early student days I'd always DI before hopping in -
who knows what level of inspection it had received?

Make it a habit to check wing pins, control connections etc before you fly,
whether you rig it or not. The person who got it out might not be so
thorough as you, might be having a bad day, or be otherwise distracted..
it's still you who'll get hurt, so take responsibility. I'd be inclined
to think it's time better spent than checking for the 'something damaged the
plane on landing but the pilot didn't notice' scenario that you're
supposedly checking for when you do your pre-flight walkaround routine (but
check for that too)


On 12/01/07, Kittel, Stephen W (ETSA) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

*From:* Stuart   FERGUSON


                No – I did not miss the point,

Independant operator can only exercise their rating (by definition) if
there is no club operation, hence there most likely won't be other qualified
people about (Robert's original point).
Small clubs frequently operate in the same way (except the person has an
instructor rating)
The situation almost occurred to me yesterday at one of the biggest clubs
in Australia.

It isn't an academic question.


 and I said "almost guarantee", and in your case yesterday you did have
someone with a D.I. qualification,

I also suspect if you hadn't you would not have changed the tips J .

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