This off topic thread is also SPAM as far as I am concerned.  I am surprised 
that you are adding to it.

Brian Wade 

Personal Computer Concepts
Control SPAM with Mailwasher Pro 

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  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Robert Hart 
  To: Discussion of issues relating to Soaring in Australia. 
  Sent: Friday, March 02, 2007 10:20 AM
  Subject: Re: [Aus-soaring] Horse-drawn Zeppelin dealer in Australia?

  Kittel, Stephen W (ETSA) wrote:
  > And further to what Anthony noted, almost all British comedy for the
  > last 50+ years (it really is that long) and certainly all the "best"
  > stuff can be traced back through both people and ideas to this fountain
  > head.
  Even the Goons had its immediate precursors in the comedy shows that 
  were on the BBC during and after WW2 (eg ITMA, Much Binding in the 
  Marsh) - and no, I'm not old enough to remember these when they first 
  went to air (but did hear the end of the original Goons back in the 
  early 1960's).

  For those with an interest in humour and literature, I have seen a 
  cogent argument mounted that the Goons type of humour can be traced back 
  to Shakespeare and further even than that - to the early Saxon delight 
  in puns, wordplay, riddles and nonsense!

  Robert Hart                                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  +61 (0)438 385 533                 

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