Robert, have you heard of any of these high bypass jets being developed for
models and UAV's etc? Will be interesting to see how Mikes combo goes, I
would prefer a single engine solution though.

Great to see some meaningful discussion where you get to learn something!


Peter Creswick wrote:
> A good "rule of thumb" for take off calculations is
> (0.7 x static thrust) / AUW, which gives acceleration in "g"
> (which is a very small figure)
> The 0.7 is to average thrust during the ground roll, since increasing 
> ram drag reduces net thrust with increasing speed, making the 
> calculation easier.
> Then of course you have to factor in slope, rolling resistance, and 
> increasing aero drag and don't forget induced drag at rotation.
The kicker is the static thrust - which is modified by the Froude 
efficiency. Basically, this is the ratio between the speed of the 
aircraft divided by the speed of the gas leaving the jet engine nozzle. 
So when the glider is stationary, the Froude efficiency is close to zero 
and so there is very little thrust for a standard (no or low bybass 

This is why I (and many others) are hanging out for high bypass 
turbojets. Whilst these will be larger diameter, it is likely that two 
of these jets will not be needed for a 15m glider and a single high 
bypass turbojet will provide all the thrust needed for a reasonable, 
unassisted take off.

[A high bypass turbojet passes only a relatively small amount of the air 
that is accelerated by the first stage compressor through the actual 
combustion chambers. The remaining air bypasses this route and is mixed 
with the hot, high velocity gas that comes from the combustion chambers, 
resulting a much larger mass of lower velocity air, so producing an 
engine with a higher Froude efficiency.]

Robert Hart                                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
+61 (0)438 385 533                 

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