> At a 1987 GFA seminar we had a very interesting talk by a parachute
> rigger. He showed us that a chute will open quicker for the
> first  month or so after a repack and after that it stayed about the
> same for a year

Did he have any data on what happens after 12 months?

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Mike Borgelt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Discussion of issues relating to Soaring in Australia." 
Sent: Friday, May 25, 2007 6:20 PM
Subject: Re: [Aus-soaring] Parachute repacking

> At 06:12 PM 25/05/2007, you wrote:
>>What do they do when they repack other than inspect for deterioration of
>>the materials?
>>Why is 6 months chosen as the interval?
>>Anyone know?
> Because the canopy, rigging lines and pilot chute can move around
> inside the pack with donning, removal and generall wearing of the chute.
> At a 1987 GFA seminar we had a very interesting talk by a parachute
> rigger. He showed us that a chute will open quicker for the
> first  month or so after a repack and after that it stayed about the
> same for a year.
> I'd say the people who came up with the 6 months know this and just
> applied a conservative safety factor.
> Mike
> Borgelt Instruments - manufacturers of quality soaring instruments
> phone Int'l + 61 746 355784
> fax   Int'l + 61 746 358796
> cellphone Int'l + 61 428 355784
>           Int'l + 61 429 355784
> email:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> website: www.borgeltinstruments.com
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