Michael - get with the 21st Century mate; why use your brain and a map that
costs a couple of dollars when you can use a $2000.00 computer to do the 
job :) 

On a more serous vein, even as a Flight Service Briefing Officer 25 plus
years ago, knowing our areas well and reading the forecasts many times a day
(before Fax and Internet Briefing) the BoM forecasters would occasionally
toss in a code that we would have to look up. Today with most briefing done 
by internet one would think an overview map could be included as part of the
forecast service.

Any BoM employees out there want to put that in your Business Improvement in



-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Texler,
Sent: Tuesday, 13 May 2008 11:38 AM
To: Discussion of issues relating to Soaring in Australia.
Subject: Re: [Aus-soaring] Decodes for area met briefings

I underscore Wombat's comments.

Buy a PCA (Planning chart Australia), and all the Met locations are there.
Also the area forecast boundaries are shown. PCA's are cheap and available
online from Airservices Australia.

Note, the planning charts are updated twice a year (June and November), so
use a current one because every now and again, the Met locations do change
(i.e places deleted, places added etc).

My 2.2c worth!

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