At 01:40 AM 30/07/2008, you wrote:

I was trawling through some aviation museums in Europe and noticed that there is a health warning on some cockpits. For example, I think the aircraft preservation people in the UK are only allowed 10 minutes exposure in some cockpits like Blaniks due to the radiation from the primitive instruments. Same story in Lancaster bombers.

I guess that is probably as long as you would want to spend in a Blanik cockpit, but it does question the sense in "restoring" them.


Anyone got access to a radiation counter and a  Blanik?

Might be interesting.

Also interesting is a scientific paper I have about a study on radiation exposure in Taiwan. Seems someone mixed an old industrial cobalt radiation source into a bunch of scrap steel which ended up as reinforcing rods in concrete which went into an apartment building. After some years this was found out and a study done on the people who lived there. This was a good study as there were lots of other people in the same situations in other apartment buildings so there was a good control group. They looked for cancer rates amongst the exposed - and found that they were 3% of what they expected.
Journal of Amercian Physicians and Surgeons Volume 9 Number 1 Spring 2004

Radiation exposure allowances are based on the "Linear No Threshold" theory on the grounds that this is conservative and safe. There is evidence that it doesn't work like that for low doses.

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