You may find that like many other members we simply don't really mind what the GFA does as long as we are allowed to continue flying and soaring in piece. If heaven forbid the GFA put in place something else that stops or limits our ability to fly. Say another rule that (and this is toungue in cheek) requires a second Level 2 instructor to always be on the ground to supervise us. Then yes we might just get a little upset.

If the only feed back is that we don't want the new rules then please feel free to fight the good fight to make sure the new rule does not happen.

Your in appathy (and I have served on the board so I understand your commitment)


Robert Hart wrote:

Board members

I have not received a single comment in support of the move to extend terms. Not one. I have, however, received quite a few comments actively opposed to it.

Amongst those comments was the view that because the changes happen at an AGM which is generally attended by less than 5% of the membership, there was never any real debate about proposed changes to the constitution of our organisation.

If, as appears likely, the Board goes ahead with pushing for this change, I would ask that a better effort is made to have a public debate on the Article changes than has occurred in the past. I realise that this is hard to do - but failure to properly engage the membership would be a significant failure of responsibility. Given the undemocratic way the GFA officers are elected, moving to extend their term of office without a significant effort to engage the membership in debate is far too easily seen as a flagrant attempt by those in power to strengthen their grip on power.

Some ideas about how such a debate might occur...

   1. Use the web site to provide a detailed commentary on the current
      situation and the proposed changes; then, keep that article
      listed on the front page until the time of the actual meeting.
      Make sure the article contains a link to the GFA Articles so
      members can easily find these. The article needs to contain
      details of how members can have their say on this issue through
      contacting their regional association and also detail the proxy
      voting requirements.

   2. Joomla, which runs our website, has a number of modules that
      allow for polling opinions. Set this up and ask what members
      think about this proposal. Require registration on the website
      before you allow voting of course, but this could well provide
      significant input (for or against the change) in terms of the
      general membership who cannot be at the AGM and yet whose voices
      should be heard.

   3. Put the website article in the magazine - probably more than once.

   4. Our membership database now includes the email address of a
      significant majority of our membership. We should use this to
      communicate directly with the membership on this issue. We could
      send out an email to every known email address that contains the
      same information as the article on the web site and in the magazine.

   5. Request every regional organisation to include discussion of the
      article changes and distribution of information about proxy voting.

   6. The central administration also has the contact info for every
      club and the GFA could use this to write to each club explaining
      what the changes are and why the Board sees the need for them.
      Then request each club to post this information on their
      noticeboard and include reference to it in their club newsletter.

Furthermore, the communication effort needs to be protracted as well as extensive. Ask yourselves: if you are concerned that the membership might not like what you are doing, why are you doing it? If there are good reasons for the change not understood by the membership, then it is your job to communicate them.

If you are not prepared to put in a significant effort /*as a board*/ rather than relying solely on the regional representatives, your motives for the change will understandably be called into question.

Over to you.

Robert Hart                        
+61 (0)438 385 533                 


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