Yes - here is a link to the US news coverage - sent to me by one of my friends who flew with me out of that airfield in a 2-22.

Cath, This glider pilot is from Aus. Do you know him by chance??


On 13/02/2010, at 11:48 AM, Christopher Mc Donnell wrote:

From 10 news last night it appears the "hero" sailplane pilot is an Australian.
----- Original Message -----
From: Brian Wade
Sent: Saturday, February 13, 2010 11:08 AM
Subject: Re: [Aus-soaring] Towing combination collision

Those who have been monitoring the "email debate" following the recent fatal midair collision in the USA will be aware that most of that debate has concentrated on communications and radio frequencies. Some very valid points have been made both for and against the use of dedicated glider frequencies, depending on the location concerned.

What seems to have been ignored by most is the fact that inadequate lookout was almost certainly the prime cause of this accident. Poor lookout on the part of ALL pilots concerned, including the glider pilot, who was probably best placed to detect the impending collision and provide appropriate radio warning to the other two.

I am sure that everyone is well aware of the importance of maintaining a good all round lookout during aero tow and this accident is a timely reminder of the possible consequences of failing to do just that. Might I therefore suggest that we all critically review our priorities during aero tow and place lookout on par with maintaining station at the very top of the list!

Brian Wade

From: Christopher Mc Donnell
Sent: Tuesday, February 09, 2010 11:29 AM
Subject: [Aus-soaring] Towing combination collision

After much much speculative reporting there is something accurate.

Comment on the qualities of the media (sigh). Why bother!

At least most of us don't believe any initial reporting of anything now, which is good.

Telegraph speed patience is still about right  :-)

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