At 10:38 AM 13/02/2010, you wrote:
Those who have been monitoring the "email debate" following the
recent fatal midair collision in the USA will be aware that most of
that debate has concentrated on communications and radio
frequencies. Some very valid points have been made both for and
against the use of dedicated glider frequencies, depending on the
location concerned.
What seems to have been ignored by most is the fact that inadequate
lookout was almost certainly the prime cause of this accident. Poor
lookout on the part of ALL pilots concerned, including the glider
pilot, who was probably best placed to detect the impending
collision and provide appropriate radio warning to the other two.
I am sure that everyone is well aware of the importance of
maintaining a good all round lookout during aero tow and this
accident is a timely reminder of the possible consequences of
failing to do just that. Might I therefore suggest that we all
critically review our priorities during aero tow and place lookout
on par with maintaining station at the very top of the list!
Brian Wade
Well, that should lead to a nice spate of tug upset incidents.
I've always regarded aerotowing as close formation flying. The
towplane is lead and you are #2. #2's job is not to hit or upset lead
and stay in formation (and tell lead if he's on fire). Lead's job is
to lookout and fly smoothly enough so #2 and stay with him.
In order to see anything while scanning you need to stop moving your
scan for a couple of seconds to see anything. Can you really afford
to take your eyes of the tug for that long?
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