On 08/02/2011, at 2:34 PM, DMcD wrote:

> There was an interesting article about the numbers of Android devices
> in service which claimed that Google were including a whole lot of
> Chinese knock-offs to boost their numbers and that 10% of all Samsung
> tablets were returned. If you walk around an airport lounge or
> airliner, the numbers of iPads being used in comparison with
> everything else is staggering.  But I think it's close to being too
> big to use in a cockpit while the iPhone is close to being too small.

There is no such thing as a chinese knockoff for android. Android is a free 
operating system, and the chinese knockoff are just ad legitimate. And yes the 
Samsung has been an expensive not great tablet yet.

If you have a chinese knock off ipad then it is really a knock off.


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