Bring on one week Nationals! I think it's the next big step in making sure our 
sport doesn't die a slow death. 

With the exception of last season, do we really need 10+ days to declare a 
champion? 3-4 (within the week) days at a minimum would be enough. Jay Rebbeck 
(previous world champion) questions the length of world comps, did we really 
need 8? Days in Slovakia to declare that Sebastion Kawa was the worlds best? 
Probably not he said, 4 days within a Sat-Sun comp would've been enough!

If there were one week nationals, it'd be possible to have more entrants at the 
States, Regattas & Coaching weeks. For me, my calendar would be this if 
possible - CCN, MCN, QLD & NSW States, 2 x 1 wk coaching courses (of which, one 
I could run for the juniors).

I know it's not an overnight fix, but would be great to see this happen in 
2-3yrs time!


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On 2011-11-12 08:42:26 +0000 Tim Shirley <> wrote:

> Mike,
> The NCC (National Competition Committee) actually still exists - they 
> just dropped a "C" somewhere along the line in recognition of the fact 
> that they deal with a lot more than just "Co-ordination".  Ross McLean 
> is the current chair.
> The NCC and its predecessor is responsible for scheduling and rules of 
> National competition.  It has never had jurisdiction over State 
> Associations or clubs.  Regardless of what NCC decided, a State 
> Association can (and sometimes does) schedule a competition in conflict 
> with a Nationals and so can a club.  South Australia is holding an event 
> in conflict with the Club Class Nationals in January, as well as Horsham 
> clashing with the multiclass.  And it was always thus, though of course 
> scheduling was a bit easier when we had only one Nationals and not three.
> It's a Federation, just like Australia :)  And the dark ages were only 
> dark to those who lacked a torch and some L-ion batteries.
> In this setup, the wonder is not that there are clashes but that there 
> are so few.   There are too many events and too few weeks, and at least 
> in the case of Nationals very few places and people capable and willing 
> to host them.
> What is pleasing is that there seems to be a lot of customers for 
> gliding events of all types at present.  It's probably better to have 
> this problem than the other one.
> Cheers
>   /Tim/
> /tra dire e fare c'รจ mezzo il mare/
> On 12/11/2011 10:09, Mike Borgelt wrote:
>> At 08:10 PM 11/11/2011, you wrote:
>>> Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
>>>          boundary="----=_NextPart_000_0053_01CCA0B6.4D4C9BA0"
>>> Content-Language: en-au
>>> Mike -- we already have there here in Canberra ;)
>> Once upon a time there was a thing called the NCCC National 
>> Competitions Co-ordinating Committee.
>> These contests require sanction by the GFA IIRC.
>> So in about April everyone running a contest puts in their bids for 
>> time slots and the NCCC then tries to minimise the conflicts. Some of 
>> the conflicts aren't that important eg WA State contest and any 
>> Nationals as few WA pilots go to Nationals.
>> You could move this process 12 months earlier if necessary to aloow 
>> time for annual leave applications etc.
>> A Dark Age is when you not only don't know how to do things but you've 
>> forgotten you ever knew.
>> Mike
>> Borgelt Instruments - manufacturers of quality soaring instruments 
>> since 1978
>> phone Int'l + 61 746 355784
>> fax   Int'l + 61 746 358796
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