            you are obviously much younger than most of us to be talking in 
of organizing grand parents; most of us are either Grand Parents, or of Grand 

Personally I can't wait to retire and become a "Gliding Bum" get to more camps
and comps, do a lot more glider flying and meeting more of you.

Phone - 0419 797508

On 13/11/2011, at 11:13, "Bernie & Sue" <> wrote:

> Hi All.
> I think a lot of people are missing the point about the calender.
> As far as I know, most if not all comps & training camps for next season are 
> already known, yet they do not appear on the GFA website calender, WHY ?
> It only needs to be a tag which links to the club website containing the 
> details.
> It takes a long time to organise holidays for yourself, re-organise work 
> shedules or holidays for your wife & get the grandparents etc organised so 
> that they can help out with getting kids on/off buses or to after school 
> events & activities.
> At the moment it would seem as though the events calender is organised by a 
> person who is single with no dependants, no work, someone who can jump up & 
> go off to a comp at any time.
> While I'm at it, can we have a calender that is layed out for the whole 
> season so that all comps & camps are shown. (Not one month only).
> With this type of calender anyone can see at a glance what events are on at 
> any time throughout the season, I have provided an example as this is how the 
> aero model guys do their calenders. They also have mutiple 
> comps/training/events on at anyone time, yet they can show this for a whole 
> season, well in advance of that season, on one calender, why cann't we ?
> If events clash, so be it, choose the one's you want to attend, I'm sure that 
> clashes are avoided as best is possible.
> If today we could see that a clash occurs in the 2011/2012 season, there 
> would be time to re-organise, it may be to late come next December to do 
> anything.
> Being organised doesn't just happen, it's needs to be planned for.
> Cheers.
> Bernie.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Tim Shirley
> To: Discussion of issues relating to Soaring in Australia.
> Sent: Saturday, November 12, 2011 11:01 AM
> Subject: Re: [Aus-soaring] Calender of Gliding Events
> Mike,
> The NCC (National Competition Committee) actually still exists - they just 
> dropped a "C" somewhere along the line in recognition of the fact that they 
> deal with a lot more than just "Co-ordination".  Ross McLean is the current 
> chair.
> The NCC and its predecessor is responsible for scheduling and rules of 
> National competition.  It has never had jurisdiction over State Associations 
> or clubs.  Regardless of what NCC decided, a State Association can (and 
> sometimes does) schedule a competition in conflict with a Nationals and so 
> can a club.  South Australia is holding an event in conflict with the Club 
> Class Nationals in January, as well as Horsham clashing with the multiclass.  
> And it was always thus, though of course scheduling was a bit easier when we 
> had only one Nationals and not three.
> It's a Federation, just like Australia :)  And the dark ages were only dark 
> to those who lacked a torch and some L-ion batteries.
> In this setup, the wonder is not that there are clashes but that there are so 
> few.   There are too many events and too few weeks, and at least in the case 
> of Nationals very few places and people capable and willing to host them.  
> What is pleasing is that there seems to be a lot of customers for gliding 
> events of all types at present.  It's probably better to have this problem 
> than the other one.
> Cheers
> Tim
> tra dire e fare c'è mezzo il mare
> On 12/11/2011 10:09, Mike Borgelt wrote:
>> At 08:10 PM 11/11/2011, you wrote: 
>>> Content-Type: multipart/alternative; 
>>>         boundary="----=_NextPart_000_0053_01CCA0B6.4D4C9BA0" 
>>> Content-Language: en-au 
>>> Mike – we already have there here in Canberra ;) 
>> Once upon a time there was a thing called the NCCC National Competitions 
>> Co-ordinating Committee. 
>> These contests require sanction by the GFA IIRC. 
>> So in about April everyone running a contest puts in their bids for time 
>> slots and the NCCC then tries to minimise the conflicts. Some of the 
>> conflicts aren't that important eg WA State contest and any Nationals as few 
>> WA pilots go to Nationals. 
>> You could move this process 12 months earlier if necessary to aloow time for 
>> annual leave applications etc. 
>> A Dark Age is when you not only don't know how to do things but you've 
>> forgotten you ever knew. 
>> Mike 
>> Borgelt Instruments - manufacturers of quality soaring instruments since 
>> 1978 
>> phone Int'l + 61 746 355784 
>> fax   Int'l + 61 746 358796 
>> cellphone Int'l + 61 428 355784 
>> email: 
>> website: 
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