G'day All,

I've been keen to set up some unofficial club class records since getting my 
Cirrus. Hope you see the concept/idea as I've seen it. The reason behind it,

As per '3.2' - All in good fun, to give those who can't go for official records 
due to financial reasons (eg, not being able to obtain a Discus 2, to go for a 
STD class record) or not being their preferred class.

In 1999, Tom Claffey & others experienced some amazing weather conditions in 
AUS. I think that the weather cycle goes in 7yr increments. Now approaching 
14yrs later, I think we could be in for a good season - cross your fingers, I & 
many others would love a regular great season for a change!!!

All comments & potential additions on the below welcome.


Unofficial Australian Club Club Class Records - Rules V1.0
Concept by Adam Woolley
Written by Adam Woolley

1 - Philosophy:  To provide a friendly and honest unofficial record list/rules 
for Australian pilots, whom race/fly in Australian airspace, in the gliders on 
the Australian Club Class Handicap list provided on the GFA website.

2 - RULES:  Use the Australian Junior Record Rules (found on 
www.joeyglide.com.au & www.ajgc.org.au websites) if you want to go 'official 
official',  as kindly put together by Andrew Maddocks. The below are amendments 
& simple reminders, in no particular order & are generally based on the KISS 
principle, with safety in mind!

If you don't want to read the rules, & if your an honest person - the below 
will suffice.

2.1 - Entries Open: 18 JUL 2012.

2.2 - Eligable Gliders: Club Class Gliders, as found on the current years GFA 
Club Class Handicap list.

2.3 - Handicaps: the use of the current GFA Club Class Handicap list will be 
used for the flight (date) submitted.

2.4 - Reference Weight: the use of the current reference weight as provided by 
the GFA club class handicap list for the (date) submitted.

2.5 - After Market Modifications: No penalty will be given for the addition of 
winglets, wing fillets or extractor vents.

2.6 - Handicap Adjustments: 0.005 disadvantage per part there of 12kg over 
REFERENCE WEIGHT. No performance advantage given for gliders that fly below 

2.7 - Start Rule: 1km radius over pre-declared waypoint.

2.8 - Turnpoint(s): 500m radius.

2.9 - Finish: 3km radius from the pre-declared waypoint.

2.10 - Record submission: E-Mail your details appropriate for the flight (Start 
& Finish Point, Turnpoints (if not a free distance or height gain) inc waypoint 
details, glider type, approximate weight (or accurate if known)), & *.igc file 
to, agwool...@hotmail.com within 48hrs of 'end of roll'.

2.11 - Start/Finish Heights: You must finish at the predetermined finish point, 
within a 1000m of your start height & predetermined start point.  For 'free 
distance' one way flights, you must start (predetermined point) below 1000m AGL 
& land safely at any point.

2.12 - Records: Each record will stay firm until beaten by the current years 
GFA handicap for the club class glider used.  ie, won't be changed each season 
if the glider handicap or reference weights change. 

2.13 - Declarations: A flight must be declared before going through the start 
circle, unless it's a Free Distance flight.


3.1 - Remember, unofficial. If you cheat intentially or not being honest, 
you're only ripping your fellow mates off.

3.2 - All in good fun, to give those who can't go for official records due to 
financial reasons (eg, not being able to obtain a Discus 2, to go for a STD 
class record) or not being their preferred class.

3.3 - If the GFA thinks its a good idea, more than happy for the rules to be 
re-written officially. Though I would like to think that they'll accept the 
unofficial records, even of they have an unofficial column until the record is 
beaten officially - to reward the efforts that we've previously gone too!

3.4 - I know there's lots of holes in the above. Use your noggin for what you 
think is right and fair!

3.5 - It's just a game, have fun!

4 - Records obtainable

4.1 - An excel spreadsheet available on request, until I find a place to upload 
it to the web.

4.2 - Free Distance
Free Distance
Free Out & Retun Distance
Free Three Turnpoint Distance

4.3 - Distance to Goal
Straight Distance to Goal
Three Turnpoint Distance
Out & Return Distance
FAI Triangle Distance

4.4 - Speed
Speed Out & Return: 100km
Speed Out & Return: 300km
Speed Out & Return: 500km
Speed Out & Return: 750km
Speed Out & Return: 1000km
Speed FAI Triangle: 100km
Speed FAI Triangle: 300km
Speed FAI Triangle: 500km
Speed FAI Triangle: 750km
Speed FAI Triangle: 1000km

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