At 07:30 PM 5/10/2012, you wrote:
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Glider tools have a cheap cable adapter Euro$43
ching-power-supply-5v/ max ยป Tue Feb 14, 2012 2:05 am Nikitovich wrote: anybody know if it's is working properly with an android device.No. This is a proprietary adapter for a few PNA models that have a "real" (hidden) RS-232 port on the USB connector.

You are right Bernie. I have one of those devices and it puts either ground or 5v on one pin of the 5 pin mini USB connector to tell the PNA to switch the port to RS232 instead of USB. USB actually only needs 4 pins, power, ground and A and B data lines. It is actually a differential RS422 in hardware terms. One line goes high while the other goes low. RS 232 is normally up to +/- 15 volts but only one line changes state on an input or output and is referenced to ground. On the PNA though the "RS232"is really inverted logic level and on the V2 and similar generic devices goes from 3.3 volts to ground. Put a real RS232 on that port and you'll likely blow up the device. You need a buffer, inverter and level shifter. Not difficult as chips are available to do this. the glider tools power supply supplies 5 volts and does the buffering of the data lines.


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