It is a good thing that over the years the sport has moved toward better resourced and structured post-solo coaching.

The regrettable aspects are that -
- on the one hand the sport's traditions of making do and relying on individuals to stump up resources for the benefit of the sport as a whole has continued - meanwhile on the other hand the society wide attitudes, which might be termed 'victim mentality', have pervaded participant attitudes (no care/no responsibility).

I am one of the people who has become concerned about providing resources (myself, skills and knowledge, sailplane and other bits and bobs) and then find the coachee turns up on the flightline after I have done the fettle, DI, tow-out, flight prep; ready to 'do the flight'. My view is that all those precursors are where the real learning occurs. Since we know that pilot comprehension and decisionmaking goes to mush once we are in the air.

As the sport gets smaller, it relies ever more on the old hands where the corporate knowledge resides. Making that section of the sport wonder about the value of what they offer, the ineffectual nature of hand-on of that knowledge, let alone being left hung out to dry in terms of carrying the costs as well; is the rapid path toward those resources not being available.

While there seems to be good things happening at the introduction to cross country flight/early contest scene, and at the elite training pinnacle; these concerns affect the transition of aspirants between those 2 states at either end of the performance spectrum.

(The individuals concerned know who I am talking about without me violating the ethics of a public discussion list; don't you)
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