Hallelujah Hallelujah Halleluuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuujah!

Sorry Jack. I’ll still look after GQG but!

From: Mike Borgelt 
Sent: Monday, August 25, 2014 1:09 PM
To: Discussion of issues relating to Soaring in Australia. 
Subject: Re: [Aus-soaring] Competition licenses - the emperor has no clothes


You need to realise the history.

In the depths of antiquity, God revealed his Plan for Australian Gliding to the 
Iggulden brothers and His First Commandment was "Australian Glider pilots shall 
have no licences".
Thus it was and has been and shall be for ever and ever. Amen.


At 12:23 PM 25/08/2014, you wrote:

  On 24/08/2014, Ulrich Stauss <usta...@internode.on.net> wrote:

  > So whilst the GPC tells me that the pilot has been trained to L1 IO
  > standard, the privileges and limitations depend on the log book endorsements
  > (not the GPC). I could imagine that for some clubs and CFIs the legal
  > liabilities arising from MOSP 2, paragraph 13.1.2
  > ("The Club of a person exercising Level 1 Independent Operator privileges is
  > responsible for that person's operations, even when the person is operating
  > independently") may be considered too high a risk exposure in this day and
  > age so that they may wish to restrict the privileges by such logbook
  > endorsements.

  I've never understood the point of this. My driving instructor isn't
  responsible for any stupidity on my behalf once I have a car license.
  The same goes for a number of other licenses (boat, RAA etc)  I hold.
  Why is there seemingly no stage in between 'gliding student' and
  'gliding instructor'?

  Admittedly this only makes a real difference with privately owned
  gliders / motorgliders. If you're flying a club glider obviously the
  club can impose whatever conditions they want.


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