On Sep 2, 2014, at 3:29 PM, Paul Bart <pb2...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I was not referring to the actual cost of a medical. That can easily be 
> sourced, and you have provided it here. My point referred to what people 
> leave and why.

I’ve already told you why I consider leaving, and it’s to do with GFA’s 
uniquely restrictive rules.

But when people say GFA’s rules inspire members to leave, perhaps that’s just 
"a speculation used to prop someone’s point of view," so there’s no need to 
listen to it.

I’m kinda lucky to have the means and wherewithall to have non-GFA flying 
credentials.  I feel a bit sorry for people who don’t, stuck in the GFA system 
with no alternative.  At least I get the luxury of being able to think about my 
choices.  For most members, it’s either get behind GFA or be grounded.

  - mark

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