Official report from who exactly?

On Fri, Oct 31, 2014 at 12:27 AM, Gary Stevenson <>

>  Hi Paul,
> As I somewhat earlier said, we should wait for the official report, and
>  full knowledge of the facts,  before trying to draw ANY definitive
> conclusions. Given this, I  therefore was  NOT  making any judgement *as
> such*,  at all.
> Other than that,  you are in general  perfectly correct, and your further
> comments/conclusions are astute and bear thinking about.
> From what Jim choose to tell us, there is a difference between his final
> glide and that of the other two pilots who also outlanded close to home.
> Jim ended up in a situation where he had nowhere to go. In contrast, the
> other 2 pilots safely landed, without incident, in a suitable paddock, and
> I think that is the lesson here. They did indeed show greater wisdom.
> Hope that helps to clarify things for you.
> Kindest regards,
> Gary
> BTW  let me correct one part my earlier email. *The Specialist* is an
> American – not Australian  - work written many years ago by Charles Sale.
> However the parallels to the Australian experience are unmistakable.
> *From:* [mailto:
>] *On Behalf Of *Paul Mander
> *Sent:* Thursday, 30 October 2014 1:54 PM
> *To:* 'Discussion of issues relating to Soaring in Australia.'
> *Subject:* Re: [Aus-soaring] Bizarre Comp Rules - in the shit
> I think you’ve been a bit quick to judge.
> You state that whilst “Jim chose to fly on”, two other pilots made quite
> routine outlandings 7km back on the track, implying a greater wisdom on
> their part.
> Those outlandings were not routine, if you study the traces. They were
> straight in landings just as was Jim’s. One of them makes a desperate last
> circle close to the ground then straightens up and lands.
> There is a striking similarity in all three traces, which paint a
> cautionary picture. All three picked up climbs just before their last turn,
> and then appear to consider themselves on final glide. Then they turn into
> a 20kt headwind from the SW, lose their final glide and start to search for
> lift. All three try to thermal again without success.
> All three glide on and the ground rises up to smite them; the other two
> are simply 7km further out when it does.
> There are undoubtedly lessons to be learnt from their experience, not the
> least being how quickly thermals die in Queensland and how quickly the trap
> can snap.
> But it’s not instructive, or fair, to make out that one was foolish where
> others were wise.
> *From:* [mailto:
>] *On Behalf Of *Gary Stevenson
> *Sent:* Tuesday, 28 October 2014 10:45 PM
> *To:* 'Discussion of issues relating to Soaring in Australia.'
> *Subject:* Re: [Aus-soaring] Bizarre Comp Rules - in the shit
> Michael Texler in his post of the evening of 28 Oct, finally “Got It”.
> Tim has now amplified matters, so that to mis-quote one famous author,
> “even a schoolboy can understand”. Just a preamble: the point I* really*
> want to make is that on that last day when Jim choose to fly on,  2 pilots
> in Sports Class elected to make quite routine outlandings (into the same
> paddock apparently), just 7 km from home. As usual their traces are
> available on Soaring Spot. Names do not need to be mentioned – just look at
> Sports Class, and then check the outlandings and distances covered to
> pinpoint the two relevant traces.
> Tim , you are being a little bit shy in your  use of the Oz vernacular.
> The “Municipal Dunny Man” filled a very valuable and quite unique place in
> servicing one the essential needs of communities prior to the development
> of reticulated sewerage systems. So to get the language straight, let me
> put “shed loads” back  into its true blue and dinky di  context: “shit-cart
> full loads”.
> Further ;
> For Australian Musical Researchers try Googling “Municipal Dunny Can”.
> ..... And of course do not overlook that  Australian work of great literary
> worth titled  “The Specialist”. For visual art buffs this work was no
>  doubt part inspiration for the 2006 Oz movie “Kenny”.
> Cheers,
> Gary
> *From:* [
> <>] *On Behalf Of *Tim Shirley
> *Sent:* Tuesday, 28 October 2014 8:39 PM
> *To:* Discussion of issues relating to Soaring in Australia.
> *Subject:* Re: [Aus-soaring] Bizarre Comp Rules...
> Hi all,
> Once again a disclaimer:  I hold no relevant official position with the
> GFA.  I do have considerable experience as a rulemaker, as a Contest
> Director, as a Scorer, and as a competition pilot.  I speak only for myself.
> What follows is general clarification about competitions and rules, and is
> not intended as a comment on any specific incident.
> Back when I was involved in competition rulemaking, I remember we
> introduced some principles as a preamble to the rules and on checking I
> found that most of them are still there:
> At all times it remains the responsibility of pilots to operate in accorda
> nce with the GFA Manual of Standard
> Procedures and all applicable laws and regulations.
>  Pilots are expected to conduct themselves at all times in the spirit of t
> hese rules and in accordance with the practice of good sportsmanship.
>  *Safety is at all times the primary consideration. If at any time a
> pilot feels that the requirements of these rules compromises the safety of
> their flight then they should take whatever actions are required to ensure
> the safety of themselves and of other air users. This may include
> withdrawing from the task or from the competition.*
>  Pilots are required to conduct themselves in a manner that will not bring
> disrepute on the Organisers, the hosting club or the GFA.
> There is nothing in the competition rules that suspends any laws.  There
> are no exemptions.  Pilots flying in a competition are just pilots, and
> must obey every requirement of the law.  They remain fully responsible as
> Pilots in Command for the conduct of the flight.  If they choose to disobey
> the law or good practice then that is entirely their responsibility.  The
> competition is a game.  Flying is not.
> No one wants to break their glider or themselves, and the rules of the
> game clearly discourage that by the simple fact that most of the time there
> is another race tomorrow.  You won't get any points from a hospital bed or
> if your glider is in bits.  On the last day, well if there was a million
> dollars at stake I could imagine that the risk of rolling yourself into a
> ball might be worth taking for some - but in our game why would anyone
> break a $100K glider for a bottle of cheap wine and a round of applause?
> Or even for the opportunity to spend shed loads of their own money
> representing Australia?
> If you want to know who is responsible for the safety of a flight where
> you are the Pilot in Command, take a good look in a mirror.  And be very
> sure of what you see.
> Cheers
> *Tim Shirley*
> *tra dire é fare c' é mezzo il mare*
> On 28/10/2014 2:06 PM, Texler, Michael wrote:
> The caveat should be in place that the crash was a result of your own poor 
> decision making.
> Now what constitutes poor decision making is a matter of opinion.
> Surely competition rules should be in place to discourage crashing:
> i.e. you crash, you are out of the comp. You pack up and go home.
> I'll leave it to others more experienced in these matters to give reasons why.
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