Well its run and done.  We had the wind up dinner Saturday night and presented 
the trophies and bottles of wine. The event was superbly administered and the 
weather was challenging and rewarding with some big tasks (maybe just a little 
tooo big Ailsa) and interesting changing gear weather. One minute your belting 
along at 12000ft and 120kts then your struggling to get home in 0.5kt and best 

The winners were

Club Class               Nathan Johnson
15m and Standard   Matt Gage
18m Class                David Peitsch
Open Class              Paul Mander

Fastest speed of the comp 131.1kph  by Dave Peitsch
Fastest Std Class 130.3kph by Tom Claffey

Unfortunately the scoring system crashed out in a big way leading to std/15m 
records being destroyed in the crash and and many flights having to be 
evaluated manually (we suspect we have found a flaw in the scoring by setting a 
very cunning task.) Anyway please bear with us while we reconstruct the contest 
from the start and get the scores up on the website, except Club Class which 
worked perfectly(must be the pilots).  I will post again when they are done.

Scott Lennon
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