On 06/15/2017 12:28 PM, Andrew McN wrote:
On 15/06/17 10:06, Matt Palmer wrote:
On Tue, Jun 13, 2017 at 05:48:38PM +1000, Andrew McN wrote:
I doubt they'd bother trying to breaking encryption. It seems more
likely that their plan is to force players like Google or IOS to push
malware out to people's phones to circumvent the encryption.
Even easier plan: just make failing to supply decryption keys an offense
punishable by more time than the offense they'll get you for otherwise.
That alerts the person being spied on.
Also doesn't work when the key they want is generated by a device, not a
person; and the person never knows what it is.
Don't offer up solutions unless and until you've thought through the
problem-space, otherwise you're just wasting everybody's time.
(he says, to George Brandis)
- mark
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