I concur.

Providing an alternative solution is only useful if there is actually a
valid alternative.

If there is not, you're best to just say it. If an idea is stupid, state
not only that it is so, but state why. And don't sugar coat it either,
sugar coating just gives wriggle room to someone trying to justify their
own stupidity.

Rip that bandaid off.

On 15 Jun. 2017 5:14 pm, "grenville armitage" <garmit...@swin.edu.au> wrote:

On 06/15/2017 15:47, Mark Newton wrote:

Whether we're talking about internet censorship, copyright takedowns, data
> retention, or now this, these Australian (always Australian) technical
> mailing lists are always full of people who say, "That's stupid, what they
> *really* should do is..." followed by, "We're working positively with the
> Government to make the best of a bad situation," after the inevitable loss.

You don't need to offer an alternative to a bad idea to communicate that
> it's a bad idea.

(I've got nothing to add. I just want to see the words above repeated.)


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