
Hi All, just wondering if anybody can suggest a better approach to this situation for us.

We had a new IP block allocated a while ago for customers and are beginning to migrate customers onto that block now off an old one, however it seems that Microsoft is not trusting any IP’s in that block for some reason, perhaps they have been spammed in the past or something from it.

The only option seems to be requesting each individual address to be removed from the block, which after getting their automated response which says that they can’t do it you then reply and they will do it, but only 1 at a time even though we have asked about the whole block but had no response.

Can anybody suggest a better approach or is there a better contact we might be able to use then the standard delivery support people ?

You might want to head over to the mailop mailing list ... Microsoft people frequent that for these type of issues. If you had posted the IP block in this mail I'd have forwarded to one of my contacts over there, but you didn't so I can't. :)


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