Should TLS 1.0 be acceptable?

I don't claim to be a crypto geek.

Curiously the ISM standards make TLS 1.2 only advisory:

   - Control: 1447; Revision: 0; Updated: Apr-15; Applicability: UD, P, C,
   S, TS; Compliance: must; Authority: AA
      - Agencies *must use TLS*.
      - Control: 1139; Revision: 3; Updated: Apr-15; Applicability: UD, P,
   C, S, TS; Compliance: should; Authority: AA
      - Agencies *should use the latest version of TLS*

Kind regards

Paul Wilkins

On 24 July 2018 at 11:10, Scott Howard <> wrote:

> On Mon, Jul 23, 2018 at 6:00 PM, Noel Butler <>
> wrote:
>> You are the one choosing to use cpanel/plesk, lazy webhost solutions that
>> puts all your customers eggs in the one single basket (though I heard plesk
>> may soon be changing that), sorry, but that is not TPG's fault your chosen
>> hosting software lives in the 90s.
> Perhaps not, but it IS TPG's fault that their mail server is only
> supporting encryption algorithms that live in the 90's...
> Irrespective of the PCI argument or not, TPG supporting TLS 1.0 but not
> higher in 2018 simply shouldn't be seen as acceptable.
>   Scott
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