On 24/07/18 15:22, Mark Foster wrote:
> Oh good. Port 465. Another Depreciated thing :-)
> https://stackoverflow.com/questions/15796530/what-is-the-difference-between-ports-465-and-587
> There's no longer a reason to offer services on Port 465 :S
> Not really relevant to the OP problem, but I couldn't not-bite...

No fear, it was recently de-deprecated and is now considered standard again.


> 7.3.  Submissions Port Registration
>    IANA has assigned an alternate usage of TCP port 465 in addition to
>    the current assignment using the following template [RFC6335]:
>      Service Name: submissions
>      Transport Protocol: TCP
>      Assignee: IESG <i...@ietf.org>
>      Contact: IETF Chair <ch...@ietf.org>
>      Description: Message Submission over TLS protocol
>      Reference: RFC 8314
>      Port Number: 465
>    This is a one-time procedural exception to the rules in [RFC6335].
>    This requires explicit IESG approval and does not set a precedent.
>    Note: Since the purpose of this alternate usage assignment is to
>    align with widespread existing practice and there is no known usage
>    of UDP port 465 for Message Submission over TLS, IANA has not
>    assigned an alternate usage of UDP port 465.
>    Historically, port 465 was briefly registered as the "smtps" port.
>    This registration made no sense, as the SMTP transport MX
>    infrastructure has no way to specify a port, so port 25 is always
>    used.  As a result, the registration was revoked and was subsequently
>    reassigned to a different service.  In hindsight, the "smtps"
>    registration should have been renamed or reserved rather than
>    revoked.  Unfortunately, some widely deployed mail software
>    interpreted "smtps" as "submissions" [RFC6409] and used that port for
>    email submission by default when an end user requested security
>    during account setup.  If a new port is assigned for the submissions
>    service, either (a) email software will continue with unregistered
>    use of port 465 (leaving the port registry inaccurate relative to

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