Thanks everyone for your assistance, I just wanted to let you all know that
email from TPG's mail servers has started flowing in.

Big thanks to TPG for sorting that out and have a good weekend everyone,
drinks all round!


Bradley Silverman | VentraIP Australia
*Technical Operations*

mobile. +61 418 641 103
phone. +61 3 9013 8464

On Tue, Jul 24, 2018 at 3:53 PM, Roy Adams <> wrote:

> For those stuck in the blat.exe land forced to use tcp/25 , I moved to
> mailsend recently and have not looked back
> Works great with Google Free, GSuite, Outlook Free, and Office 365
> To save people reinventing the wheel, I have pasted below a cmd script I
> wrote to act as a shell for whatever I need to email.
> It's basically a wrapper.. of sorts
> Note, it doesn't use the -attach option in this example.
> You can specify -attach as many times as you need in a single command line
> run to attach multiple files
> It also writes so the event log.
> *If you cannot read it, do not run it :)*
> Comments welcomed, but no responsibility accepted of course :)
> Kindly,
> ROY ADAMS* | *P 07 3040 5010  | Web: | Wiki:
> | eMail:
> <>
> Please never upgrade to the latest Windows 10 - You don’t need the hassle,
> and I don’t need the work.
> If you think it's expensive to hire a professional to do the job, wait
> until you hire an amateur - Red Adair.
> Life is a journey through a series of adventures.. Live them, love them,
> hate them, but never give up on your dreams, desires, and goals.
> @echo off
> :: MailSend.EXE -
> :: GZIP.EXE -
> :: forfiles.exe - Windows Vista and above. Windows XP does not have this -
> get it from somewhere
> :: @set GNUToolDir= - you can set this if you wish manually - IT MUST HAVE
> TRAILING BACKSLASH - and comment/delete the detection stuff after it - e.g.
> set GNUToolDir=C:\Utils\
> :: %1 = IP Address of SMTP server THAT ALLOWS RELAY
> :: %2 = SMTP Address to send Errors and Summaries
> ::
> :: Google SMTP settings:
> :: SMTP:, port 587 (TLS) or port 465 (SSL)
> :: Google 2-factor auth App-Specific Passwords -
> :: Microsoft SMTP settings:
> :: SMTP: port 587 (TLS) - free email
> :: SMTP: port 587 (TLS) - Office 365 commercial email
> :: Microsoft 2-factor auth App-Specific Passwords -
> account-app-passwords-two-step-verification
> @SetLocal
> 1>>NUL: 2>>NUL: eventcreate /l application /t information /so "Script:
> %~n0 Start" /ID 555 /D "Script Start %date% - %time%"
> :: ******* Set SMTP Server HERE
> @set
> @IF /I "%1" NEQ "" @set EmailServer=%1
> :: ******* Set Notify SMTP Prefix HERE (without @ or domain suffix)
> @set BackupNotifyUser=%UserName%
> :: ******* Set Email Send Domain to something real if you are using
> @something.local by default instead of
> @set BackupDNSDomain=%UserDNSDomain%
> @set
> @IF /I "2" NEQ "" @for /f "Tokens=2 Delims=@" %%d in ('@echo %2') do @set
> BackupDNSDomain=%%d
> :: ******* Set Email Address for Notifications/Logs here
> @set EmailTo=%BackupNotifyUser%@%BackupDNSDomain%
> @IF /I "%2" NEQ "" @set EmailTo=%2
> @set ServerName=%ComputerName%
> @set SMTPPort=587
> @set EmailNameFrom=xx Sender Friendly Name Goes Here xx
> @set
> @set EmailUserName=%EmailFrom%
> @set EmailPassword=XXXpasswordXXX
> @set CompletionStatus=FAILED
> @set CompletionErrorInfo=
> @set ScriptDrive=C:
> @set ScriptPath=\Scripts
> @set ScriptDir=%ScriptDrive%%ScriptPath%\
> @set LogDrive=C:
> @set LogPath=\Logs
> @set LogDir=%LogDrive%%LogPath%\
> ::Make sure first our utilities exist - exit if not and write such to the
> event log
> @set GNUToolDir=&@for %%f in (MailSend.exe) do @set GNUToolDir=%%~dp$PATH:f
> @set MailSendExe=&@for %%f in (MailSend.exe) do @set MailSendExe=%%~$PATH:f
> @if /I "%MailSendExe%" EQU "" @set MailSendExe=%GNUToolDir%MailSend.exe
> @if /I not exist "%MailSendExe%" @set 
> CompletionErrorInfo=%CompletionErrorInfo%
> - MailSend.exe missing or not in PATH
> @set GZipExe=&@for %%f in (GZip.exe) do @set GZipExe=%%~$PATH:f
> @if /I "%GZipExe%" EQU "" @set GZipExe=%GNUToolDir%GZip.exe
> @if /I not exist "%GZipExe%" @set CompletionErrorInfo=%CompletionErrorInfo%
> - gzip.exe missing or not in PATH
> @set ForFilesExe=&@for %%f in (ForFiles.exe) do @set ForFilesExe=%%~$PATH:f
> @if /I "%ForFilesExe%" EQU "" @set ForFilesExe=%GNUToolDir%ForFiles.exe
> @if /I not exist "%ForFilesExe%" @set 
> CompletionErrorInfo=%CompletionErrorInfo%
> - ForFiles.exe missing or not in PATH
> @if /I "%CompletionErrorInfo%" NEQ "" GOTO FinishError
> :: Do Stuff Here
> @set CompletionStatus=OK
> @set CompletionErrorInfo=%CompletionErrorInfo% - Normal End
> @"%MailSendExe%" -v -4 -ehlo -auth -starttls -port %SMTPPort% -smtp
> %EmailServer% -user %EmailUserName% -pass %EmailPassword% -f %EmailFrom%
> -name "%EmailNameFrom%" -t %EmailTo% -mime-type "text/plain" -sub "** -
> %ComputerName% - %~n0 Started by %UserName% - **" -M "Hopefully this is the
> body"
> :FinishError
> 1>>NUL: 2>>NUL: eventcreate /l application /t information /so "Script:
> %~n0 End" /ID 555 /D "Finished with Status: %CompletionStatus% - %date% -
> %time% - %CompletionErrorInfo%"
> @EndLocal
> :MailSend
> @"%MailSendExe%" -4 -ehlo -auth -starttls -port %SMTPPort% -smtp
> %EmailServer% -user %EmailUserName% -pass %EmailPassword% -f %EmailFrom%
> -name "%EmailNameFrom%" -t %EmailTo% -mime-type "text/plain" -sub %1 -M %1
> -attach %1
> @move /y %1 "%Mailed%\"
> @exit /B 0
> On Tue, 24 Jul 2018 at 15:38, Scott Howard <> wrote:
>> On Mon, Jul 23, 2018 at 9:45 PM, Bradley Silverman <
>>> wrote:
>>> It isn't possible to set TLSv1.0 for un-authenticated email, and TLSv1.1
>>> for authenticated, though that would fix the problem.
>> Yes, it is.
>> The problem is you're trying to use port 25 for both delivery
>> ("unauthenticated") and submission ("authenticated")
>> Move your "authenticated" email over to port 587 where it belongs.  Not
>> only will this allow you to solve your problems, but will also solve any
>> future potential issues with people blocking port 25 (eg, home ISPs)
>>   Scott
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