Communications Alliance submission
the point both s313 and s280 (1)(b) of the Telecommunications Act 1997 are
current extensively used to access metadata.

It follows that under the new bill, about a dozen LEAs will similarly be
able to rely on s313 and s280(1)(b) to get warrantless metadata access.

Kind regards

Paul Wilkins

On Sat, 3 Nov 2018 at 13:09, Paul Wilkins <> wrote:

> Coexistence with Data Retention Regime (Under Telecommunications Act)
> Passage of this Bill will set the stage for mass surveillance, where
> carriers are already subject to data retention, but the Minister may
> further declare any service provider subject to the metadata regime.
> 187A Service providers must keep certain information and documents
> (3A) The Minister may, by legislative instrument, declare a service to be
> a service to which this Part applies.
> Such declaration has a statutory limitation of 40 sitting days of
> Parliament, however nothing in the Act prevents such a declaration being
> rolled over by the Minister, maintaining a metadata regime in perpetuity
> for any service they should designate. All this would lie within the
> provisioned scope of the Minister's powers without any further legislation.
> Access to such metadata does not necessarily require a warrant. Access
> under the Telecommunications Act can be rendered by the service provider as
> voluntary assistance.
> On Thu, 1 Nov 2018 at 11:50, Paul Wilkins <>
> wrote:
>> Rob,
>> Check your inbox/spam folder 29/10.
>> Kind regards
>> Paul Wilkins
>> On Thu, 1 Nov 2018 at 08:33, Robert Hudson <> wrote:
>>> Odd.  I signed up to track the enquiry, but have had no notifications at
>>> all that additional hearings had been scheduled.
>>> There's an another additional day according to the committee website -
>>> 27th November.
>>> Where did you see if information that they're asking for supplementary
>>> submissions?
>>> On Wed, 31 Oct 2018 at 12:28, Paul Wilkins <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> *UN's Special Rapporteur on the right to privacy* has weighed in on
>>>> the PJCIS review with incandescent criticism:
>>>> In my considered view, the Assistance and Access Bill is an example of
>>>> a poorly conceived national security measure that is equally as likely to
>>>> endanger security as not; it is technologically questionnable if it can
>>>> achieve its aims and avoid introducing vulnerabilities to the cybersecurity
>>>> of all devices irrespective of whether they are mobiles, tablets, watches,
>>>> cars, etc., and it unduly undermines human rights including the right to
>>>> privacy. It is out of step with international rulings raising the related
>>>> issue of how the Australian Government would enforce this law on
>>>> transnational technology companies.
>>>> I can't but think that if the Minister for Home Affairs to be doing
>>>> well to attract the ire of the United Nations and his timing couldn't be
>>>> better, just as the Government has lost control of the House. I'm hopeful
>>>> the Australian media will pick up on the interest of the UN in the Bill,
>>>> fingers crossed.
>>>> Furthermore, the PJCIS, after announcing two additional hearings 16/30
>>>> Nov, are also asking for *supplementary submissions, to be received no
>>>> later than 26 November.*
>>>> Kind regards
>>>> Paul Wilkins
>>>> On Fri, 26 Oct 2018 at 13:07, Paul Wilkins <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> We're at a critical juncture where the Minister for Home Affairs may
>>>>> get his way and steam roll this Bill through Parliament (how this could
>>>>> play out in both Houses would be interesting, as they'll need either Labor
>>>>> or one of the independents in the Lower House). Or the Bill gets
>>>>> substantially modified or sent back to the Dep't Home Affairs to start 
>>>>> over.
>>>>> What's of deep concern is that the Minister represents to the House
>>>>> consultation has been extensive, and that modifications of the Bill
>>>>> represent a consensus view. Yet industry has been vocal in opposition to
>>>>> the Bill, and have criticised the level of consultation and the
>>>>> Government's preparedness to receive advice:
>>>>> While DIGI appreciates the challenges facing law enforcement, we
>>>>> continue to have concerns with the Bill, which, contrary to its stated
>>>>> objective, we believe may undermine public safety by making it easier for
>>>>> bad actors to commit crimes against individuals, organisations or
>>>>> communities. We also remain concerned at the lack of independent oversight
>>>>> of Notices and the absence of checks and balances with this legislation,
>>>>> which we discuss in more detail in this submission.
>>>>> Submission to PJCIS - DIGI (includes Google, Amazon, Facebook...)(78)
>>>>> We urge the government to seriously consider the comments submitted by
>>>>> industry and civil society and consider changes that would protect the
>>>>> security and privacy of Apple’s users and all Australians.
>>>>> Submission to PJCIS - Apple (53)
>>>>> Given the complexity of the Bill, the sensitivity of the subject
>>>>> matter, and the  limited consultation period, the summary above is not an
>>>>> exhaustive list of BSA's concerns and recommendations in respect of the
>>>>> Bill. There are other aspects of the Bill that require further
>>>>> consideration in order to find the right balance between the legitimate
>>>>> rights, needs, and responsibilities of the Australian Government, 
>>>>> citizens,
>>>>> providers of critical infrastructure, third party stewards of data, and
>>>>> innovators.
>>>>> As such, we respectfully encourage the Australian Government to engage
>>>>> in further dialogue with industry to consider the broader issues at play
>>>>> and the implications (and possible unintended consequences of the Bill).
>>>>> Submission to PJCIS - BSA (Cisco, IBM et al.)(48)
>>>>> On Thu, 25 Oct 2018 at 16:48, Paul Wilkins <>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> I'm determined the Minister for Home Affairs doesn't get to drop a
>>>>>> deeply flawed Bill on a supine and compliant Parliament, and have taken
>>>>>> measures, to whit, written 22 MPs in positions where they can influence
>>>>>> policy, and provided links to submissions which point out the Bill as
>>>>>> proposed is neither proportionate nor necessary:
>>>>>> Law Council of Australia:
>>>>>> Joint Councils for Civil Liberties:
>>>>>> Australian Human Rights Commission:
>>>>>> PJCHR,starts @ p24:
>>>>>> Kind regards
>>>>>> Paul Wilkins
>>>>>> On Thu, 25 Oct 2018 at 16:20, Paul Wilkins <>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> *New PJCIS Public Hearings*
>>>>>>> *16 Nov 2018:* Sydney, NSW
>>>>>>> *30 Nov 2018:* Canberra, ACT
>>>>>>> On Thu, 25 Oct 2018 at 13:23, Paul Wilkins <>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Has anyone yet had the opportunity to think through the use of
>>>>>>>> force provisions? Does use of force extend beyond physical forced 
>>>>>>>> entry, to
>>>>>>>> say, hacking?
>>>>>>>> Kind regards
>>>>>>>> Paul Wilkins
>>>>>>>> On Wed, 24 Oct 2018 at 18:03, Paul Wilkins <
>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Compare:
>>>>>>>>> CHAIR: So the big companies like Facebook, Amazon, Twitter,
>>>>>>>>> over-the-top  messaging services like Signal and WhatsApp?
>>>>>>>>> Mr Hansford: A range of different industry companies.
>>>>>>>>> CHAIR: *A good percentage of those?*
>>>>>>>>> Mr Hansford: *A reasonable percentage, I'd say.*
>>>>>>>>> (Public) FRIDAY, 19 OCTOBER 2018
>>>>>>>>> "The government has consulted *extensively* with industry and the
>>>>>>>>> public on these measuresand has made amendments to reflect the 
>>>>>>>>> feedback in
>>>>>>>>> the legislation now before the parliament."
>>>>>>>>> Minister for Home Affairs - Speech to Parliament 20 Sept 2018
>>>>>>>>> On Wed, 24 Oct 2018 at 16:01, Paul Wilkins <
>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> DIGI's submission (Amazon, Facebook, Google, Oath, and Twitter)
>>>>>>>>>> has just appeared:
>>>>>>>>>> On August 14, 2018, the Government released for Public Exposure a
>>>>>>>>>> draft of the Telecommunications and Other Legislation Amendment 
>>>>>>>>>> (Assistance
>>>>>>>>>> and Access) Bill 2018 (the “Bill”) together with an Exposure 
>>>>>>>>>> Document, to
>>>>>>>>>> which DIGI made a submission (attached). A revised Bill was 
>>>>>>>>>> introduced to
>>>>>>>>>> Parliament ten days following the close of submissions, with only 
>>>>>>>>>> minor
>>>>>>>>>> amendments that fail to address its potential impacts on public 
>>>>>>>>>> safety,
>>>>>>>>>> cybersecurity, privacy and human rights, raising concern among 
>>>>>>>>>> industry,
>>>>>>>>>> consumer and civil society groups.
>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, 24 Oct 2018 at 11:30, Paul Wilkins <
>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> The PJCHR express extensive concerns with the bill.
>>>>>>>>>>> The following demonstrates a posture where they will likely
>>>>>>>>>>> oppose the bill without further safeguards:
>>>>>>>>>>> 1.109 Another relevant factor in assessing whether a measure is
>>>>>>>>>>> proportionate is whether there is the possibility of oversight and 
>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>> availability of review. The power to give a technical assistance 
>>>>>>>>>>> notice or
>>>>>>>>>>> request, or technical  capability notice, is not exercised by a 
>>>>>>>>>>> judge, nor
>>>>>>>>>>> does a judge supervise its application.  Section 317ZFA provides a
>>>>>>>>>>> discretionary power to a court, in relation to proceedings  before 
>>>>>>>>>>> it, to
>>>>>>>>>>> make such orders as the court considers appropriate in relation to 
>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>> disclosure, protection, storage, handling or destruction of 
>>>>>>>>>>> technical
>>>>>>>>>>> assistance information, if the court is satisfied that it is in the 
>>>>>>>>>>> public
>>>>>>>>>>> interest. The bill does  not otherwise provide for court 
>>>>>>>>>>> involvement in the
>>>>>>>>>>> process of giving a technical assistance notice or request, or 
>>>>>>>>>>> technical
>>>>>>>>>>> capability notice. The bill additionally  seeks to amend the 
>>>>>>>>>>> Administrative
>>>>>>>>>>> Decisions (Judicial Review) Act 1977 (ADJR Act) to exclude 
>>>>>>>>>>> decisions under
>>>>>>>>>>> Part 15 of the Telecommunications Act (which would  include a 
>>>>>>>>>>> decision to
>>>>>>>>>>> issue a technical assistance notice or request, or technical  
>>>>>>>>>>> capability
>>>>>>>>>>> notice) from judicial review under the ADJR Act. 47 In these 
>>>>>>>>>>> circumstances,
>>>>>>>>>>> further information from the minister as the adequacy of the 
>>>>>>>>>>> safeguards in
>>>>>>>>>>> terms of oversight and review would assist in determining the
>>>>>>>>>>> proportionality of the measures.
>>>>>>>>>>> Kind regards
>>>>>>>>>>> Paul Wilkins
>>>>>>>>>>> On Tue, 23 Oct 2018 at 15:12, Paul Wilkins <
>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> 21 October AEC had received 6890 postal votes out of 12,788
>>>>>>>>>>>> issued. Today, received postal votes is 7,789. Sharma is trailing 
>>>>>>>>>>>> by 1,552.
>>>>>>>>>>>> So I'm calling it a Phelps' win and we will have minority 
>>>>>>>>>>>> government.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Phelps will win by at least 500 votes so no recount.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Kind regards
>>>>>>>>>>>> Paul Wilkins
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Mon, 22 Oct 2018 at 18:19, Paul Wilkins <
>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Transcript of public hearing 19th October:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Mon, 22 Oct 2018 at 16:46, Christian Heinrich <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Paul,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Mon, Oct 22, 2018 at 2:12 PM Paul Wilkins <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > Except that where subject to an order under 317j to conceal
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the existence of a TCN/TAN forms part of the terms.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> For PCI-DSS Requirement 4 Telstra [as an example I don't
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> recommend]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> have mandated that their customer is responsible for both the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> infrastructure and software [as a service] within
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and are therefore unable to assist with the implementation of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> TCN/TAN.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Christian Heinrich
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