Telecommunications and Other Legislation Amendment (Assistance and Access)
Act 2018 <>

Assented to 8 December 2018

It's very much active law.

Includes 173 Government amendments moved in the Reps.

On Tue, 11 Dec 2018 at 17:26, Paul Brooks <>

> This.
> The Bill was passed on Thursday, with the coalition's 173-odd amendments
> created as a result of the PJCIS report agreed to.
> It achieved Royal Assent on 8th Dec (Saturday!), and is now law, and the
> agencies can be commencing issuing TARs, TANs and TCNs to us all his week.
> This is described
> The actual text as passed currently is at
> There were an additional 6 amendments from Labor, to fix what they saw as
> shortcomings in the other amendments, these are the extra further
> amendments that the ALP think the LNP will allow them to move in the House
> of Reps in February next year, and continue to review in the PJCIS next
> year.
> P.
> On 11/12/2018 4:07 pm, Chris Ford wrote:
> > The amendments were not passed.  Labor decided it was too hard to work
> through them, so they just approved it without the amendments.
> 173 Government amendments were moved and passed in the lower house.
> The Opposition said they did not believe the amendments fully reflected
> the PJCIS interim report and that they would seek to amend the bill in the
> Senate. However, when push came to shove they did not move the amendments
> in the Senate. The Greens tried to move them instead, but the ALP voted
> against their own amendments.
> --
> Chris Ford
> Chief Technology Officer
> *m* 0401 988 844 *e*
> *t* 02 8275 6871 *w*
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