On 12/12/2018 3:54 am, Scott Weeks wrote:
> -----------------
> The Bill was passed on Thursday
> -----------------
> Damn, I'm gonna need a bigger bag of popcorn!
> Waaaay bigger.  I can't wait to see how this 
> plays out.

We'll probably never know how this plays out, unless one of the major global 
pulls out of the Australian market.

Tech companies doing development in Aust will put in independent code reviews 
by an
offshore team to protect against onshore employees, or will quietly close 
development shops over years.  Some tech companies will move overseas - 
over months and years.    Net result - lower demand for Australian IT staff, 
export figures in the DFAT stats over years.

Many 'component manufacturers or suppliers' will blithely carry on, unaware 
this might
apply to them at all until they receive a notice

A massive data breach in 3 years time may not be traced back to a system change 
as a result of a notice, or if an investigation does uncover the root cause, is 
to be quietly hushed up.

It'll take a massive ASIC-website-blocking-like event own-goal to generate 
demand for
popcorn. That or a majority of politicians starting to listen to experts rather 
agencies and repealing it, and there's precious few Andrew Wilkies around at the
moment so that's even less likely.


> scott
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