On 4/7/2019 12:00 PM, ausnog-requ...@lists.ausnog.net wrote:

> They don't.  This legislation is grandstanding, using the Christchurch 
> tragedy to
> bolster the Coalition's flagging reputation ahead of the Federal election,
> and isn't intended to actually*work*.  Not that that'll mean it'll get
> repealed if Labour gets in -- if they threw it out, they'd "look weak on
> terruh", so it'll stay.  I'll eat my hat if any employee of the big social
> media companies is ever actually charged under this Act, though.

Yeah I doubt anything will actually happen.
The internet industry was bound to be regulated sooner or later and I think 
that time has now come.
But I think discussion with industry bodies would of been handy before just 
introducing new laws.

Chad Kelly
CPK Web Services
Phone 03 5273 0246
Web www.cpkws.com.au

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