I’m pretty sure that as a layer-2 device, there is no account/premises specific 
configuration in NCDs.  When NBNco swapped mine over, they just took one out of 
their van and I plugged it in.  DPUs may be a different kettle of fish but the 
general public shouldn’t be touching these!


From: Sean Burford <sburf...@google.com>
Date: Tuesday, 4 January 2022 at 11:38 am
To: Chris Chaundy <chris.chau...@gmail.com>
Cc: Anthony Schofield <anthony.schofi...@vocus.com.au>, "aus...@ausnog.net" 
Subject: Re: [AusNOG] NBN FTTC services and power hits




Straying further off topic, I have an NCD on the wall (powered down, 
disconnected from copper) and an FTTP box next to it.  I would lend the NCD to 
my neighbours when their FTTC gets taken out by lightning (which is why we got 
FTTP), however I'm concerned that this wouldn't go smoothly (either interfering 
with their assertion that their NBN is down or because the NCD is connected to 
my accounts in some way).  Are NCDs generic transferable commodities or are 
they custom to your premises/accounts once initialized?


On Tue, Jan 4, 2022 at 11:31 AM Chris Chaundy <chris.chau...@gmail.com> wrote:

OK - NBNco has visited, replaced my NCD (with another Netcomm for better or 
worse) and took a look at the DPU.  They have also removed the bridge back to 
the copper PSTN (they said that some surges or hits can cause the DPU to switch 
the circuit back to the PSTN and not revert to the NBN!).


Anyway, it's working again so we will see how it goes...


Thanks for the comments/ideas, Chris



On Tue, Jan 4, 2022 at 9:21 AM Anthony Schofield 
<anthony.schofi...@vocus.com.au> wrote:

Hi Chris - Hope you're well.

My (inner city) FTTC service was extremely unstable after it was first 
delivered. Lots of short duration drop outs. Not good for Zoom meetings when 
working from home. It took 5 separate NBN tech visits to resolve the problem 
over two months. We also had to "phone a friend" at NBN assurance to get it 
escalated. I have the Nokia DPU in a pit. The last thing that was done to 
resolve my issue was a hard reset of the DPU - by applying a magnet to the 
reset switch. The DPU is environmentally hardened and sealed (to protect from 
water) so the internal reset switch uses a magnet to activate it. I've had no 
issues since that was done.  One thing that was also done (visit number ~3) was 
removing the "bridge tap" of the old copper PSTN lines back to the exchange (as 
mentioned by Alex Morrehouse).


Anthony Schofield 



On Mon, 3 Jan 2022 at 20:56, Chris Chaundy <chris.chau...@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi Greg,


Thanks for the info (a fair bit I was already aware of though) but up where I 
am, pretty much everyone has their own DPU (big properties along a dirt road.  
No concern with pits full of water though - everything is on power poles 
including the DPUs and the fibre that connects them back to the network (plus 
the copper feed into my house)!  It does go underground further down the 
mountain near the township but I'm not sure where the next 'active' kit is 
located (there is a lot of reading in the document the link you sent :-).


These are not brief hits but outages that have lasted for days.  Your comment 
about the DPU losing its configuration is interesting though and may well be 
the issue.  I hope they replace it when NBNco visits me tomorrow!


Cheers, Chris


Sent from my iPhone

On 3 Jan 2022, at 19:55, Greg Lipschitz <glipsch...@summitinternet.com.au> 


Hi Chris,


The nbn DPU (the "mini-vdsl/gfast dslam" which lives in the pit) is reverse 
powered (about 6-14W) from the NCD (the nbn box inside your house). nbn use a 
mix of Netcomm and more recently Nokia DPU's. The DPU only needs 1 customer NCD 
connected to it to supply the power.


The DPU can connect up to 4 premises and the interesting thing is that any of 
the RSP's who have a customer connected to the DPU can initiate a DPU reset via 
the nbn API.


So, you might be with Telstra, and your neighbours with Aussie Broadband, TPG 
and Optus and any one of them can essentially cause your service to drop 
momentarily if they contact their RSP who initiates the DPU reset as part of 
the troubleshooting.


We've found that the DPU's often suffer the same fate as the old ADSL copper 
services when the pit fills up with water, the DPU goes off to la-la land (who 
would have thunk power and water didn't mix!) or the copper between the DPU and 
the customer gets corroded and needs to be cleaned up or replaced.


I've not heard of power issues causing the DPU to have issues. It sounds like 
the DPU is perhaps losing its config when there's a power interruption (we've 
certainly seen that with the Telstra EA MRV OS904 NTU's over the years).


If you're interested how it all comes together, nbn publish their design docs - 








Greg Lipschitz | Founder & CEO | Summit Internet


1300 049 749

Unit 2, 31-39 Norcal Road, Nunawading VIC 3131
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From: AusNOG <ausnog-boun...@lists.ausnog.net> on behalf of Chris Chaundy 
Sent: 03 January 2022 09:26
To: aus...@ausnog.net <ausnog@lists.ausnog.net>
Subject: [AusNOG] NBN FTTC services and power hits 


Is there anyone from NBNco on this list willing to discuss this with me?

It seems that every time there is a power hit in our locality (which with 
Ausnet is pretty regularly), the FTTC services die and don’t come back until 
you log a fault through the provider (in my case, Telstra) and then wait for 
them to go through the hoops of dealing with NBNco.

This has happened four times in the last couple of months (thankfully I have 4G 
backup).  There must be some aggregator kit that has no power backup or cannot 
recover from power outages - pretty crap really. :-|

Sorry if this is a little OT for the list but I’d be interested if other FTTC 
areas see the same problem.

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