No issues with AWS. Don't observe anything awry either with regard to any
traffic movements etc.
Ping me offline with details of IPs, your ASN etc and I can look deeper.

On Wed, Jun 28, 2023 at 12:31 PM Adam <> wrote:

> Hi All
> Is anyone seeing AWS Sydney connectivity problems?
> We can't access any AWS services hosted in south-east-2 (we think). Have
> shutdown peering on IX NSW and MegaPort. Traffic moved off to transit and
> into Equinix Melbourne but exactly the same result. Has been going on since
> around 10:30 am AEST. No reports on the AWS status page etc. At least one
> other network has told us they are also seeing problems, but seems unusual
> that AWS aren't reporting it and AusNOG hasn't lit up.
> Everything seems fine on a TPG or Telstra connection.
> Does seem some people are reporting problems on sites like Down Detector.
> Anyone else?
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