Steffen Nurpmeso <> wrote:

>  |This is why I propose that POSIX goes into another direction: standardise
>  |an event loop. By doing this, we're not only avoiding the entire discussion
> What a terrible idea!  You even want to take away the possibility
> to implement the event loop that i need, if any!
>  |about polling frameworks, we're also creating an ecosystem where people can
>  |write portable libraries that can easily be scheduled within the same event
>  |loop, which is awesome. It also gives operating systems the ability to
> No it is not.  How long does it take to write a shallow layer that
> works on epoll(2) or kevent(2) the way you need it.  But
> standardizing a fixed event requires myriads of possibilities for
> configuration possibilities of this intransparent black box of
> a thing.  Just look how many people actually use the terrible
> black box posix_spawn(): how many, i am asking you?

Given that there is no standard for a VFS interface and the fact that the Linux 
VFS implementation is more than sub-optimal (see the discussions about reiserfs 
and Linux) it would be a bad idea to standardize something that is based on a 
Linux kernel implementation detail.


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