Op 26-04-18 om 13:48 schreef Joerg Schilling:
Robert Elz <k...@munnari.oz.au> wrote:

   | For some commands you need to do that (e.g. if you like to check whether
   | "set -o posix" is usable.

Huh?   What shell, anywhere, exits on command not found ?   (that is, not
counting when the command that was not found was the last, and not when
it was run via "exec").

all conforming shells exit with "set -o bla" in a script.

This has nothing to do with command not found. The 'set' special built-in command is, in fact, found.

This is the rule that special built-ins shall exit on encountering an error, which is a completely different thing, also defined in XCU 2.8.1 Consequences of Shell Errors, second row in the table: "Special built-in utility error": "shall exit".

What we are talking about is the last row in that same table: "Command not found": "may exit".

Link to that table:

- M.

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