Date:        Thu, 26 Apr 2018 14:25:47 +0200
    From:        Joerg Schilling <>
    Message-ID:  <>

  | This is a miss interpretation.
  | The reason was just to avoid a mkdir() syscall.

Jörg, that makes no sense at all.   mkdir() was invented to deal
with the atomicity issues with dealing with '.' and '..'.   If those did not 
exist, mknod() would have been just fine for making directories (aside
from it being root only, but that could have been changed for directories,
if the '.' and '..' were not required - it was root only for directories so it
they could only be made via the mkdir command).

Please stop inventing history.

  | It is simple to write an interpreter in the kernel that understands the 
  | of the special files . and .. while doing path name resolution.

Yes, it could have been done that way, provided one is willing to
always make ".." mean parent, and not "wherever I have linked it
to today".   (I used to also make hard links to directories, which is
why "parent made little sense, there was not always just one.)


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